August 26th      
Anarchy is back!

Rule without law is Anarchy. Depending on where you stand on the dictum “might makes right” you can be assured of either supporting or opposing anarchy.

If you are among the prosperous and mighty, than you probably want to support anarchy, especially if you got your IGG (Ill Gotten Gains) through a less than “legal” method.

Note that the word legal is in quotation marks because without law – which is what anarchy is - lawlessness – there is no “Legal” and conversely there is no “illegal” there is, in the words of Yoda, the eminent contemporary philosopher –“ … just is.”

And we know that, according to that masterful wordsmith William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, there can be adverse and conflicting opinions to the meaning of the word “is” too.

All too often the comprehension of Anarchy is misunderstood (Can we have a misunderstood comprehension?) because the people who are in anarchist movements always imagine that those things which they despise are the only ones that will be destroyed (anarchy is always sold as destroying what is and replacing it with what the leadership “wishes” to be – again a dissimulation of the word “is” needs discussion)

Anarchist themes can be found in the 6th century BC, among the works of Taoist philosopher Laozi, and in later centuries by Zhuangzi and Bao Jingyan. Zhuangzi's philosophy has been described by various sources as anarchist. Zhuangzi wrote, "A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation." (

The greatest nation in the history of the world (the United States) has prospered and grown as more people accessed the wealth and conditions that were only dreamed of a few short decades ago because we grew as a nation of law, and not just Many man’s law, but as Thomas Jefferson so eloquently put it in the Declaration of Independence that law which God intended:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

We did not initiate our revolution as out of control anarchists seeking to do away with a system, we revolted because the “system” was anarchy in and of itself and needed correction. Rule by a monarch’s whim is not rule by law.

I find it most unfortunate that in today’s world, the people who call themselves leaders are actually the ones who are fomenting and supporting anarchy because they expect to prosper from it.

Like a fool who lights a match to see why the carburetor is malfunctioning, the resulting conflagration will destroy the automobile, the carburetor and even the fool in the process.

Maybe that’s not a good analogy, but these liberals who insist on having their way to the extent that they don’t consider the resulting chaos are in that mode right now. They want their way, even if they have no idea what their “way” actually is.

The very system that supports them in their power and allows their wishes to come to fruition will be destroyed as they attempt to wrest control away from and destroy the very process that produced it. The results of their actions, and that which follows – replacing the existing system – will be totally beyond theirs – or anybody else’s ability to control.

We must be careful of what we wish for, because the law of unintended consequences is always in play, and in spite of liberals’ assurances to the otherwise, Nobody can predict what will happen as the rule of law gives way to the rule of the mob. Which is what they are now calling “Social Justice.”

Russian anarchists destroyed the Czar and his family in hopes of bringing power to the people. They had no idea what that meant, but it sounded good in the ears of both the intelligentsia and the peasants of the time.

What they got was rule by Communism, which was Anarchy – of course of another sort – and Communism made the rule of the Czars seem benevolent in comparison.

We will not like rule under Democrats in perpetuity, or even having a 30 year limitation – but it’s where we are headed.


Tech at Night: We must act decisively against international Anarchy
By: Neil Stevens August 26th,

Anarchy is back. The last time anarchy was a noticeable political movement in the world, bomb throwing anarchists were killing heads of state and government leaders, as part of their scheme to take the whole system down, and impose socialist rule. Of course they claimed socialist rule didn’t really count as rule, because ideology.

Well, these days world leaders are much better protected, so instead the anarchists are going after websites and just trying to disrupt, particularly online. We must be mindful of this, create cybersecurity policies that let government and industry share information (through bills like CISA), and make sure to investigate and prosecute these crimes.

Anonymous, a cellular network of anarchists similar to Al Qaeda, went after some websites, as usual. Website hacks usually aren’t as big a deal as they want you to think, as xkcd points out, but they still cost time and money, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (no matter how much complaining we get from the crowd using Aaron Swartz’s suicide as political prop).

Anonymous was previously involved in attacks on Sony’s Playstation Network, attempting to steal money from credit cards of those who shopped on the service.

But now new attacks on PSN and a tweeted threat against the plane carrying a Sony subsidiary’s President have been carried out by a new ideological group Lizard Squad. These anarchists want to “End the greed” of “yet another large company,” by making mindless destructive attacks. Anarchism’s pattern since the beginning.

Investigate the attacks. Prosecute the offenders. We should even do what we used to do 100 years ago, and deny entry to the US by foreign anarchists, and to expel foreign anarchists who are already here. Anarchy is a movement as hostile to our way of life as Communism, and far more aggressive. We must act.

Make no mistake, leftist and left-libertarian tech policy are all about power. Net Neutrality is about growing government power. Local socialized Internet is about FCC taking power from the states. Title II Reclassification is about price controls on the Internet. We must oppose all of it.

Heck, FCC can’t even run a simple auction without mucking it up by trying to pick winners and losers.

Mergers don’t have the effects you think in cable. You see, cable is already a monopoly in virtually every market, so a merger doesn’t matter, at all. So there’s no legitimate reason for government to grow to stop the Comcast/ Time Warner Cable deal.

Lamar Alexander has forgotten 9/11.

Reddit Bitcoiners are dominated by idiots who think Bitcoin should be above the law and worse, don’t even know how to make their own wallets, a core Bitcoin feature. And worse, Bitcoiners are now forming a PAC.

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  • WTP are not here to just be bystanders and watch AMERICA DIE HELL NO I SAY

    I do not believe anyone on this site and many americans are buying in for that



    • This is for Col Riley and those in charge of OAS and PFA and also NLA. There is a lot of talk about Obama instituting martial law. For those in charge what are your contingency plans if and when this takes effect. If martial law is inacted they will also institute a curfew, they will not doubt declare websites like the ones I mentioned as sedicious, and a treat and take them down making communication with other members impossible, that would leave people pretty much on their own unless members of organized resistance groups, which according to statistics not many people are members. In reading the purpose and intent of our groups they say "peaceful means" of change. Do you see a need to set forth contingency plans when civil unrest becomes a reality? I'm of the belief that for myself at least I need to consider all possible senerios. Bottom line what's your plan B should plan A fail. Respectfully...
      • Col. Riley or anybody like him would be a fool to lay out contingency plans on here for everyone to read, even if there was one. I can't believe you really expect an answer.

        • Forrest, let me see if I understand you correctly. Contingency plans can't be talked about because you don't want the government to know what your going to do, is that right? Then why in the hell are you on this site discussing what your going to do to get rid of all the crooks in Washington in the first place!! Surly by speaking about it they know what your up to anyway!! Ever think about sending private texts, oh wait they can get those too. So I guess since everything is so secret everyone's on their own. Well I'd ask you what your plans are when they proclaim martial law, but I know you can't tell me!! We'll let me tell all you parinoid patriots what I'm going to do: I'm going to guns snd I don't care who knows!! Pure patriotism, true leadership will when the time comes stand up, face his God and say: "To arms, To arms". And like Patrick Henry shout from the rooftops, "Give me Liberty or give me death".
          • Not only that, "they" can see your face on satellite and "they" already watch your driving patterns via traffic cameras!!!   "They" see you inside stores, etc., via cameras.  And, "they" track your spending habits via credit cards/checks!  The Post Office tracks who you send letters to via photographs of the material.  And, "they" already track your emails!   And, you can't plant any seeds without "them" knowing what you've planted because all seeds now are COPYWRITED   :)

          • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand Congress has given Obama the authority to declare martial law at his discretion.

            To me, with Congress aiding and abetting Barry Soetoro to usurp our Oval Office makes Congress a bigger problem than Barry Soetoro.

          • You won't be alone. because there will be many like you and I am proud to say I am one of them. There are people that have no idea what's coming that will be awakened to what's going on and will stand with us. I will except nothing but freedom. I will stand and fight with free men till my last living second of existence. Semper Fi 

          • Yes, Michael, you did misunderstand me. Anyone...... particularly in a leadership capacity would surely be arrested and charged with treason or some other God knows what charge, if they spilled their guts......and....then what have you got? Answer? Nothing. I have long suspected, there is a plan, that is not privy to the average Patriot. Just my thoughts. Get a grip. The average Patriot stands about as much chance, "as a snowball in hell."  I live on a road about 6 miles in length...from intersection to intersection. I'm quite sure there is a gun and many guns in each household, on both sides of the road. But, those guns are useless if a bevy of armored tanks pull up in your driveway unannounced. Your guns will be taken before you can blink an eye and then they will move on to the next household. The average community has no organization and even if they did , they would be outgunned and outmanned. Please do not doubt my patriotism. I am as sick of what is going on in this Country as you are. Common sense tells me...... our ONLY chance is if our current Military and Veterans would come to the defense of America and her people. In my mind that would be our only saving grace. I guess each of us could play a small part but only a small part if the SHTF. I believe we have leaders.....I believe they have been long enough to keep their mouths shut and smart enough to know when the time is right. Just be patient. Read Psalms 34:37 and rest.

            • No Forest, I understood you correctly. I know what my plans are, and I believe I know what the plans are of those who want to remake America. In my opinion the future looks grim. I will do what I feel I have to do. Psalm 34 dosent have. 37 verses , but if your referring to verse. 7, I don't expect Angelic intervention. If God delivered all who feared Him as the Psalm says, the apostles, many of the early church fathers and countless other martyres for Christ would of been delivered, that verse isn't ment as a blanket statement, but thanks for the encouragement!! All I can say is I go into this battle without fear, without fear. I'm not afraid to die, I know where I'm going when I leave this earth. I'm standing with you and all who fear God, Hate evil, and feel America is worth fighting and if neccessay, dying for.
              • Be reading PSALM 83.  In fact, get the book PSALM 83 (War) by Bill Salas.  It's the next logical war to take place which is actually taking shape as "we speak."

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