The Continued Disdain for The American People demonstrated by the Islamic Chairman Obama, his Obamanation Marxist Administration and the Marxist Controlled Congress brings two things to mind and which many Americans are considering "SECESSION" and "CIVIL WAR".These two drastic measures continue to appear in discussions all across our nation and the question arises:"Will It Be Necessary to Resort To either Or Both To Rescue Our Constitutional America????"The obvious moves by these Marxist that rule America today successfully creating a "USSR of America" daily and the threat of enslavement of Our Children under a Marxist Government are forcing us to not only consider both but are forcing us to prepare for their eventual need.Our Marxist Rulers Need to Take Care and Heed these Warning War Like Clouds! ! ! !Source (You need to read the Complete Article!):: Ominous “S-Word” – SecessionBy Timothy H. LeeThursday, March 25 2010Just one year into his [President Obama's] tenure, however, America has become more resentfully divided than any time in generations.After 230 years, are the American people coursing toward eventual divorce?Our polarized society increasingly ponders what would happen if American conservatives and liberals simply agreed that their differences had become irreconcilable, and redivided the nation to go their separate ways. Which side would prosper and experience an influx of migration from the other? Conversely, which side would likely become a fiscal and socio-political basket case?Any reasonable person already knows the likely answer. One need only compare the smoldering wreckage wrought by liberal governance in such states as California or Michigan with the comparative prosperity created by conservative governance in such states as Texas or Utah. We can also examine the past 400 years, during which immigrants abandoned Europe for an America founded upon the fundamental principles of limited government and individual freedom.Regardless, the above hypothetical has become increasingly frequent among both conservatives and liberals in recent years.Following the 2004 election that they confidently expected would vindicate their 2000 rage and send President Bush back to Texas, liberals only half-jestfully proposed that “blue” states secede and join a new “United States of Canada.” Conservatives replied with a collective, “don’t let the screen door hit you in the [posterior] on your way out.”Now, with this week’s passage of ObamaCare despite ferocious and widespread public opposition, the faint reverberations from that restive elephant in the room became even more pronounced. Consider the words of Dennis Prager, an intellectual whom no serious observer would label a bomb-thrower:We are in a non-violent civil war. I write the words ‘civil war’ with an ache in my heart. But we are in one. Thank God this civil war is non-violent. But the fact is that the left and the rest of the country share almost no values. The American value system and the leftist value system are irreconcilable. If the left wins, America’s values lose. If American values prevail, the left loses. After Sunday’s vote, for the first time in American history, one could no longer confidently believe that the American system will prevail. And if we don’t fight for it, we don’t deserve it.Or consider the commentary of Reason’s Tim Cavanaugh, who references the “s-word” in his article “The Rise of Decline:”The recession has not just hustled the U.S. economy back to a late-20th-century state of nature that resists all efforts at reinflation, stimulus, and outcome management. It has created a conviction that American society itself, rather than just its institutions of government and public/private rent-seeking, is in collapse… We tend to miss something obvious: The problem isn’t that things are collapsing. It’s that not enough things are collapsing.Even the mainstream Wall Street Journal ran a June 2009 weekend commentary on secessionist backlash entitled “Divided We Stand.”For her part, Shikha Dalmia writes in her commentary “Resisting ObamaCare, Gandhi Style” that Obama “might have set the stage for the largest civil disobedience movement since the civil rights era.” She notes that, “even if a few million Americans simultaneously refuse to abide by it or pay the fine, they could easily overwhelm the system.”Whatever one’s views toward such sentiment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny the irreconcilable ideals of “red” and “blue” Americans despite efforts to reestablish unity. After all, George W. Bush won the presidency in 2000 on a record of bipartisanship following eight years of extreme acrimony during the Clinton era. Eight years later, the acrimony had only increased and Barack Obama disingenuously campaigned as a moderate promising a “post-partisan” administration.Just one year into his tenure, however, America has become more resentfully divided than any time in generations. Conservative “Scoop Jackson” Democrats have become nearly non-existent, as have liberal “Rockefeller” Republicans.How will this resolve? Will we collectively weather this protracted turbulence, or will the centrifugal forces only accelerate? Dissolution obviously remains highly unlikely, but Yale University’s Bruce Judson notes in his book It Could Happen Here: America on the Brink that:The United States is not the Soviet Union. Our economy is not as terrible. Our government is not as despised. But nobody thought the U.S.S.R. could collapse. Could everyone be wrong again?Thomas Jefferson wrote in our Declaration of Independence that irreconcilable values sometimes make it “necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another.” Jefferson further recognized the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, stating that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles.”Those on the left, ephemerally content because they possess temporary political control, mock such wisdom as anachronistic. They would be prudent to recall, however, that they said the same thing about CNBC’s Rick Santelli just one year ago when he launched the Tea Party movement that now threatens to hurl their political control into the sea.

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  • Was George Washington a Secessions? If so then we who adore the founding fathers are also supposed to be.
    Trouble is that we Americans are not in touch with the issues fought in the beginning. A lot of that history has been changed. People who attended college have been taught that none of those originals were Christian, rather deist and atheist. While here were a couple of them who were not Christians, the overreaching document used to form this government was the Bible.

    Here is that text from the Declaration:

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
  • Secession,civil war?,knowing the destruction of a civil war,the possibility is there,But, yes ,I do beleive States need to seceed from the Union ,it appears to be the only peacefully way out from under this tyrannical corrupt Government, until it dries up,those States that do seceed,do so by the standing of The United States Constitution,each State that does,has a Capital Building( no where is it written in stone that the Capital of the United States has to be in washington D.C.),so that it's People will have the United States Constitution to live by.Each States Capital that seceeds,runs as one by the United States Constitution,only should then the corrupt tyrannical Government that is trying to take over our Great Country make a attempt to over throw those States that have seceeded will have reprecussion brought upon them .This corrupt Government as it be ,MUST understand, We THE PEOPLE,will NOT TOLERATE any form of communism in these United States ,or any type of take over by a foregion or United Nations ( Global). communist countries.
  • This was just my Opinion,the real question is ,IS THERE STILL TIME TO DO SO???
    • Leisa, the question really is "is there enough who believe in this action to do this" not just enough time.
  • Should we let them roll on? Let the left destoy us. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT US. As for time and support of what it takes to stop this coup, I wander who would really be there?
  • The situtation we have in America today is largely due to a failure of our society to come to grips with the reality of an enemy fifth column operating in full swing on American soil. That enemy is a combined coalition of Muslims and Marxists and Marxist sympathizers. It has metastasized and continually grows more threatening and more embedded. It may not be entirely homegrown either, which means we will have to be doubly vigilant (without turning our nation into a police state, at least no more than it has already become).

    Yes, Houston, we have a problem.

    We are not entirely sure WHEN this enemy fifth column embedded itself in the United States. Many claim the 1950s and 1960s, but evidence points to the Woodrow Wilson presidency when the federal reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and and ACLU were formed (mostly by Marxists and leftwing elements). All of these institutions today are widely seen as infrastructure for the formation of an enemy fifth column invasion of the United States--which they doubtless are.

    Enemy fifth column operators have infiltrated all levels of American sociuety. When I was in high school,(a Chriwstian Brothers school no less) I had a COMMUNIST PARTY/Catholic priest teach our class Comparative Government and he tried mightily to brainwash us. The situation has almost certainly gotten worse. Our government, state, local, and federal is infiltrated by leftwing radicals, Islamic jihadists. Our corporations and financial institutions are vulnerable ass anyone with the money to buy their way in (as the Saudis and Chinese have been doing) can infiltrate their way in and subvert them--against America and democracy. As for the judicial system--look at the leftwing appointments made by George H. W. Bush (such as Sueter) and Obama. Ugh! Even our nations' CHURCHES are sometimes Marxist (I had a high school teacher who was both a priest and a Communist Party member as mentioned before here).

    Secession probably won't help fix the situation as the infiltration has gone too far. Secession from the federal government, no matter how desirable, will not guarantee any state that an enemy fifth column is not continuing to operate within it. CIvil war, not necessarily to be feared, will not be won through warfare.

    The way for America to win this is to rebuild its government, institutions, and economy. Withouth jihadists and Communists and Marxist sympathizers.

    One addtional thought: maybe what Americasn will need to do is set up a penal colony for the hardcore fifth column combatants. If such persons are caught committing genuine acts of treason against their fellow countrymen, pehaps the best course of action would be to stript hese people of their citizenship and place them in a location on US territory where they will be unable to inflict any further injury on our nation.
    • This is the History that everyone needs to be aware of and too few even take the time to listen to those that are. One other thing of note in 1924 the Marxist ACLU, the Communists and Socialists met and adopted the "Progressive Movement" as their Own and assumed the name Progressives to hide their "who and what" they are.

      I recommend a recent book on an attempt to alert the nation to the Communist/Progressive infiltration of our nation "Blacklisted by History" by H. Stanton Evens - from $12.99 used. This is about a Brave Patriot Senator McCarthy. Had we listened to him 1956/7 we would not be close to enslavement in the "USSR" of America today.
  • This was a hostile take over of our Government years in the makeing,blantant disregard for the United States Constitution,civil war?,no,but We were given a Republic it is our's to keep, if we can,with that, we were given the Right ,the Duty of every United States Citizen to over throw a tyrannical corrupt communist form of Government,again this will not be a civil war,it would be the takeing back of our Government,sounds "simple",does'nt it? FEAR, has nothing to do with what must be done,what does hold us intact, is the respect we have of Law and order, But then again,WHY?, why has not Law and Order stepped forth and put a halt to the communist take over of our Country.They won't,but when you and I take that step foward to do our DUTY to take back our Government,thats when they will step in to interfere with it happening, which is WRONG!,the communist pigs know this ,that they are protected that way.....AGAIN with the United States Constitution in hand the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND,the very Law that enables Law Enforcement Officers to have a job,they ARE NOT doing the Job's they were HIRED TO DO.This and many other conflicks will be on that treacerouse road if all fails at the voteing booth,NO LAW AND I MEAN NO LAW THAT obama has made is LEGAL,he is NOT the President of the United States,nor will he or his communist regime ever be a part of this Great Country,..........when you look to the sky, when all Hell has broken loose,you will find me at your side,along with the many Peoples that LOVE this Great Country of OURS.I assure you,THE COMMUNIST WILL FEAR THIS.
    • Please checkout my reply to Louis McCarten, and forgive the grammatical errors - written in haste and not reviewed - a bad habit of mine.

      Take Care,

      TSGT Clough
  • Uvin
    What insight. You have said it so well I have only one thing to add. The declaration says not only that it is our right to overthrow this form of oppression, it is our duty. I am simply waiting for the situation to errupt and then I will take civil action. As I have said in previous posts that I hope it is a bloodless revolution, however, I am prepared for the worst.
This reply was deleted.


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