@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

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  • this is SOP with Democrats

  • And, from this morning's Houston Chronicle:

    Fort Bend candidate voted twice in same elections, records show

    A Republican precinct chairman running for a seat on the Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court has cast ballots in both Texas and Pennsylvania in the last three federal elections, official records in both states show.

    Bruce J. Fleming, a Sugar Land resident running for Precinct 1 commissioner, voted in person in Sugar Land in 2006, 2008 and 2010 and by mail in each of those years in Yardley, Pa., according to election records in both states.

    Fleming, who owns a home in Yardley, voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2008 presidential primary in Texas. His wife, Nancy Fleming, who is listed as a resident of Yardley, voted by mail in both places in the 2010 general election, records show.

    "The less said is better," Bruce Fleming said when contacted by phone late Tuesday afternoon. "Until we can determine the situation, I can't really comment."

    According to the Texas Election Code, knowingly voting or attempting to vote more than once in an election was a third-degree felony until the Texas Legislature upgraded the offense to a second-degree felony in 2011.  "These are serious allegations, and until they're investigated, we're going to reserve comment," said Fort Bend County GOP Chairman Mike Gibson.

  • Will we see this staffer doing some jail time?????

  • This is what Acorn did in the last election, so its a repeat of Acorn and more fraud.....Just under another name.....

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