World Net Daily

The decision to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and kill him was made without President Obama – and actually was kept from him until after the helicopters already were in Pakistani airspace – according to a new report from a retired major general who cites a senior intelligence source.

The raid was handled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta and others in this way because Obama had vetoed multiple earlier opportunities to attack the man behind the 9/11 terror attacks, the report said.

The report comes from U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who retired in 1993 as deputy commanding general, Pacific Command, and has served as a senior military analyst for Fox News. He is now chairman of Stand Up America, which calls itself the standard bearer for the conservancy of the U.S. Constitution.

The group has briefed the FBI, Congress, law enforcement and other agencies on terrorism and “anything that affects the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of our citizenry and way of life.”

In a column published today by WND, Vallely said a “senior and sensitive intelligence community source” affirmed to a Stand Up America research team that Obama “did not know of the raid in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, until after the helicopters with SEAL Team 6 had crossed into Pakistani airspace.”

The source said Obama was notified “at the golf course … which is why he was sitting in the strange sitting position in the picture that documented the White House operations room event.”

The source told Stand Up America that Panetta “was the key player who organized and supported this daring raid.”

“He signed the ‘execute orders’ with only a few people aware: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Adm. Bill Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus.”

The source explained the White House “was closed out of the decision because the president, through Valerie Jarrett, had turned down two or three other earlier proposals.”

Panetta, Vallely’s source reported, “and his covert planning team were extremely frustrated at all the denials, so saw the opportunity slipping away, as implausible as it seems.”

The report said Panetta convinced his other principals to make the decision and received their full-fledged support but the president, according to the official, “remained clueless on the mission.”

“This tremendously serious and sensitive information was relayed by a source who has been very frustrated with the continued dishonesty within the White House,” Vallely reported.

Vallely, who served in Vietnam and retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army as deputy commanding general for the Pacific, previously has called for “We the People” to stop the nation’s “progressive socialist, treasonous death march.”

He graduated from West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961. He served in theaters in Europe and the Pacific Rim and saw two tours of combat duty in Vietnam.

CBS has reported that “Obama’s decision to send operatives after Osama bin Laden” was described by White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan as “one of the most gutsiest calls of any president.”

However, the Mail Online in London reported a book by Richared Miniter documented that three “kill” missions were canceled by Obama in January, February and March of 2011.

The SEAL mission was in May 2011.

Miniter reported it was Jarrett who kept urging Obama to cancel plans to get bin Laden.

The Ulsterman Report blog earlier said Obama did not make the attack decision.

That blog said, “He can say he did and the people who really know what happened are inside the Pentagon, are in the military and the military isn’t allowed to speak out against the commander-in-chief so his secret is safe.”

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  • I am absolutely sure that I am not the only one who was puzzled by that group photo of Obama seated off to the side of the main participants at the War Room table. His attire was also 'off' compared to the others, showing that he was not a full participant to this particular meeting up to the initiation of the attack. I would've thought that with his arrogance and big ego, he would have been seated at the head of that table IF he truly was calling the shots. He is a fraud-in-chief all the way around!

  • There has been rumours that Gen. Petraeus had signalled he would make the strike with OR WITHOUT OWEbumbler and DemocRATS on board and to that point Hillary Clinton, Panetta, James Clapper and Bob Gates went through OWEbumbler aide Bill Daley to notify president instead of Iranian born Valerie Jarrett who had apparently vetoed the operation 3 times using "weather" concerns to prevent what she saw as a threat to OWEbumbler's presidency from a failed mission.  I urge others to read the site:  This story about OWEbumbler killing Bin Laden is another LIE perpetrated by the Manchurian muslim, he's "spiking" the ball and taking credit over the Seals success in the operation.  But he's not gonna take any blame for retribution by Muslims and attacks on our mid-east embassies and the MURDER of our Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 co-workers trying to protect him from the muslim murderers.

  • We can only hope that Rush, Hannity, Levin, or Fox News gets a hold of this and runs with it.  This could very well doom Obummer and company.

  • Exactly what I have been saying all along. obama knew nothing of this raid and it was CIA Panetta who called the shots. That was not hard to figure out from the get go.

  • Why am I not surprised even a little bit?!

    Jimmy Carter has been officially bumped from the number one position for being the worst president ever. Obama can now claim not only the number one spot, but can claim 2nd and 3rd place also. What a useless piece of crap he is!

  • It was probably some brave intelligence officer or Special Forces officer who put the mission into action. I find it hard to believe that Panetta and Hillary Clinton said go after him when THEY HAD A CHANCE to get UBL before the 9/11 attacks and the Slick Willy administration DID NOTHING !  The Clintons are almost as bad as Obama . Look at her handling of Benghazi and you think she gave the order ?  NO WAY .  Some PATRIOTS put it into motion ...knowing they couldn't call it back or it would get out to the press. What are they going to do,....  Court martial brave American warriors and their leaders for taking out the most wanted man of the USA ?  The American people wouldn't stand for it and that would be the end of Obama's usurper administration and the Democrat Party. They probably all scrambled down to put on their best acting job in the situation room and then decided to use it in their propaganda. Somebody pushed it too far for them to stop it under the guise of it being a snatch and go mission. Then you take him out as soon as the scum bag is located knowing he probably would have a weapon nearby. It fits because they all looked shocked when the shooting started especially Hillary.

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