Am I A Racist?


Someone accused me of being a racist the other day, because I said that I didn’t like the way most Black people behaved.  Well, I don’t like it.  That’s a fact.

It’s like they have their own language, and are consciously trying to be very different from other Americans, especially White folks. 

I guess one could argue that this group of Black people are the real ‘racists’? 

They sure hate White folks!

I really don’t think I’m a racist.  And I really don’t think I’m a bigot. 

I just don’t like folks that are hurting America. 

And I believe that many Black people hate America and are trying to hurt her. 

I also believe that The Muslim people want to hurt America.  They can say they’re for peace, but their history says otherwise.  Recently they protested a Christian minister from giving a breakfast prayer at West Point.  And they have killed Americans just because of their religeon.

I just don’t trust any of them and I feel they will try to do us great harm sometime soon.

I’m against anybody that hates America… or has a lifestyle that is harmful to America’s future.  

Patriotism is important to me… Morals are important too…

Black, White, Jew, Muslim, Russian, Chinese, African, Eskimo, Indian, Japanese… it really doesn’t matter where your grandparents came from or what you look like.

It’s about how you behave and whether you respect American Values or not.

If you are demeaning America, if you are trying to ‘change’ America, if you believe that America has given you the freedom to go against GOD’s Laws, if you are trying to hurt America in any way, then I’m against you…

... and, you are my enemy!  

I will fight you for America!  Does that make me a racist?  Does that make me a bigot?

I don't think so... But, I'll let you be the judge.

If you can show me that you're qualified to judge me... I'm willing to listen...


What do you stand for?

Let's start with that, OK?



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  • It is clear that totus (boama) has set racial tension in this country back about 40 years.  totus has done it by design.  The presecution is beginning soon. 

  • I could not agree more!  Good for you for speaking up and speaking your mind, regardless of how "politically incorrect" your comments may seem.

    I am a racist because I believe in the competent white male, and am sick and tired of hearing competent white males blamed for all the world's ills.   Using white men as scapegoats has gone far enough.  Don't forget we created the Constitution and Bill of Rights that allows the blacks and feminists to criticize us. 

    Look at what has happened in Zimbabwe since the blacks took over and stole the land from competent white male farmers.

    When Detroit was largely white and the auto industry was run by white males, Detroit was a beautiful and prosperous city.  Look at Detroit today, since the black invasion!

    If you want to know the blunt truth about what is happening, read SUICIDE OF A SUPERPOWER by Patrick Buchanan. I do not agree with everything he says in regard to gays and abortion, but at least he speaks his mind and tells it like it is, in contrast to most "politically correct" cowards.



    • Can anyone show me a country in Africa that's run by a Black person who has been successful and concerned for the people needs within that country? Most of the countries have been over thrown by another power hungry Black person with no interest in the well-being of the people. Their own personal interest is taking from the poor to fulfill their own greed. Just look at history.

    • You have it right. There is an enemy within this nation, they have infiltrated all our institutions. The white people in this nation have been patient. Their country, their wealth being stolen...look at the decay because of the following...

      The Federal Reserve....corrupt money system, affecting all

      I.R.S.....stealing from us to spread our wealth

      Income taxes...stealing the fruits of our labor

      Public school system....for indoctrination

      Multiculturalism ....being used a weapon for division, confusion

      The Civil Rights Act....a boon for unscrupulous lawyers

      Affirmative action...stealing from the white man

      Stopping prayer in school...the ungodly at the helm

      Abortion...killing our babies

      The women's liberation movement....destruction of the family

      No fault divorce....breakdown of the family

      the list goes on and on

      We were never meant to intermingle, intermarry. Our people have been beaten down, mandated, forced into submission by political correctness. We're basically an obedient our demise. God warned us.

      Covenants with pagan or ungodly nations leads to idolatry and adoption of pagan ways. Exod. 34:12-16; Deut. 7:2-4.

      You shall not allow foreigners that are pagans to emigrate into or dwell in your nation; for they shall be as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in your land. Exod. 23:33; Josh. 23:12-13.

      If a racist is a person that wants to preserve their culture, heritage, language, FAITH, then you may call me a racist.

      But we will win in the end...I know it.

  • Howdy.

    first off i am  SOUTHERN MAN from ALABAMA and grew up around Blacks and trust me THEIR MORE RACIST THAN ANY WHITE MAN OR WOMAN ever thought  to be.

    and it's those COMMUNIST WHITE BIGOT DEMORAT  LIBERALS who have encouraged them   to ACT OUT as the saying goes.

    they have whined so much for so long they THINK WHITE AMERICA OWES THEM i feel with that MUSLIM USURPER BOTTOM FEEDING SCUM POND in my white house is leading this unrest and before it's all said and done were headed for either a RACE WAR or ANOTHER REVOLUTION pretty soon id say BEFORE THIS YEAR IS OUT and Brother Millions of us WHITE PEOPLE ARE READY.

    Semper Fi.


    • These are indeed the times that try men's is a time where our very survival is at much greater risk than than those leading up to the revolution. A time that birthed the greatest documents. those of freedom, liberty and justice for all, that the world has ever seen. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in and of themselves timeless roadmaps, without an expiration date. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, reminding us all that our elected representatives are just that, representatives and elected. Elected to serve at the will of the people and to protect and defend the Constitution as employees of the people, not despots.... deaf, dumb and blind to the will of the majority, looking down upon upon the people, their employers, as unworthy of opinion. As such, not granted the rights inherent in the Bill of Rights to the people and only the people, starting with the first amendment right to redress grievances. Grievances denied by a ruling class antithetical to the sacrosanct provisions of the Constitution. The rule of law in America as it applies to the people and not the beholding branches of our government, has been treason in the pursuit of wealth and power above and beyond what the true rulers of America are to expect and demand......."We The People."  We are but a rudderless ship adrift in a sea of calamity brought about by pirates who have taken over the wheelhouse and are set about driving us into the rocks and pillaging our wealth and station. As Jefferson so eloquently stated, for tyranny to prevail all that is needed is for men of good conscience to remain silent! The very words in the Declaration of Independence commands that we throw off any government that is set upon driving our nation into despotism as it now stands.

      On the issue of racism, bear in mind that there are people of all races who are patriots and love America. Unfortunately, there are way too many who for whatever reason want to fundamentally change America into a socialist/communist/fundamentalist dictatorship, stealing from the productive to enrich the non-productive members of our society. These are not Americans, they are traitors and have no understanding of our founding documents, nor a commitment to them. In the world of bees they are known as drones and welfare in America, which is fundamentally broken, is the habitat of the drones. Our government, who considers the people worker drones, live like royalty while they systematically remove all rights granted to the people societally! 

      What blacks in America must be taught, once race baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton etc. are made irrelevant, is the abject stupidity of adopting Islamic names. The original and still current slave traders were the Arabs who are responsible for millions of black deaths as are the dominant tribes in Africa who traded slaves to the Arabs for gain! I do agree that the most racist people in America are the blacks by a large margin yet blacks have a higher standard of living in America than anywhere else in the world. That black babies are murdered at an unprecedented rate pushed by the Communist planned parenthood is racial genocide, using abortion as birth control and the blacks blame the Republicans, when it is the Democrats that have been the party of slavery, black oppression and genocide. They forget that the great emancipator, Lincoln was a Republican, while the Klan, Jim Crow, segregation etc. all democrat(Communist) agendas!

      • Above and beyond the Constitution and Bill of Rights ....COMES the Christian Bible, God's Word, laws, principles, wisdom.  The reason for our decline is because we've turned away, been misled, been mandated, forced into political correctness.

        It's a coup d'etat by an enemy within...of the serpent seed, Ishmael, Esau.

        If people had been on their toes, they'd know the Word, and not accepted what has happened to us.

        God warned us to not become a part of the world, yet the enemy within opened our gates to the world, and everyone wants what we have and are willing to steal it.  God warned us.

        2Chronicles 7:14

  • im with u brother, well said

  • It has gotten to a conflict between Patriots and marxists, no matter what your color or race is.  I choose to be a Patriot no matter what is said about me. I love my Country, I love the Flag of my Country.  I love my fellow Patriots.  I love my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  And I will defend them with my life if need be.

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