Barack Hussein Obama’s heroes;


Barack Hussein Obama’s heroes;


Listed as Obama’s favorite heroes are, Joesph Stalin, Moa Tz tong, Nickolas Maduro, and Che Guevara.

Together these men murdered over 250 Million people. They destroyed three nations in the process, not including Cuba and many other parts of South America.


One thing Communism has done, it makes everyone equal. Equal in poverty, destitution, and in suffering.

In America we say “everyone is equal, “All men are created equal”. Equal in freedom and in opportunity. Everyone has an equal opportunity to grow and to achieve and to be what ever they can.

Under Communism everyone may be equal but there is no freedom, no opportunity. People are not allowed to own any more than anyone else. “From those who can afford too those who can not”. That’s the philosophy of the Communists. They TAKE from the rich and give to the poor.

To the poor that sounds great,,,,, until they realize that there is still no free lunch. Everyone is equal under a system of slavery and destitution. You either do as you are told or you will be punished or eliminated.


What is important to know here is that Kamala Harris idolizes, worships, follows, and takes orders from Barack Hussein Obama. She is trained, coached, and tutored by Obama.




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