We are at the point where the venue for holding this Round Table and the agenda are set:
We will be meeting at the Radio Technical Commission, 1611 N Kent St, Arlington, VA in the Main Conference Room; we also have a breakout room reserved, so two working sessions can be going at the same time. Starting time is 11:00am on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, with breakout to begin at noon. Please note the maximum number the room will hold is 50, and there are 20 politicians (so far) who have expressed interest. There is also a veterans’ group that plans on sending a delegation - I am still trying to get an accurate count from them.
If you have contacted politicians and gotten a commitment from them, I need that information, for an accurate headcount.
Those of you who worked on the handout, many thanks. I am getting them printed, along with some documentation for each point; folders will be handed out to all attendees at the meeting.
We will be working with the politicians, to find ways to implement our Top Five Concerns from within and without the governmental body. The senators, representatives, and governors who will be there know better than we do how the governing body works (or doesn’t!); they will be hearing from citizens that we are not asleep; we are aware of what is happening to the country; we are willing to work to stop it; and we have their back(s) if they step out and go against the corrupt minions presently in control in DC.
Above all, we must be professional in our demeanor; very firm in our requests, but polite - no yelling, name-calling, or cursing. The minute we do that, the politicians will tune out and turn off. Be professional!
This is a very ambitious project to accomplish in just four hours. As one member has expressed to me, we need to have a regular series of these meetings. I’d love to see that happen!
The Top Five Concerns and the Politician Name List are below:
Top Five Concerns:
1. Impeach Barack Obama
- Remove from Office
- Try for Treason
2. Enforce Immigration Laws
- Secure our border
- Stop executive amnesty
3. Repeal Obamacare
- Replace with sensible reforms of our healthcare system
4. National Debt
- Balanced Budget Amendment
- Pay down our national debt
5. End the Patriot Act
- Restore our freedoms
- End NSA snooping
- Veto the NDAA
NOTE: Due to sabotage of this meeting, I have removed the politician name list from this discussion. If the saboteur had already copied the list, he/she will still have the names. If he/she was referring back to listing, this will stop it.
I strongly suspect pressure to back out came from "on high" - we have lost much of the politicians' participation...I did have about 20 who had committed to attending. There are now about 10 left. This development is disappointing, to say the least.
Anyone who is planning on attending and still needs the politicians' name list, message me, and I will email you a copy of it.
4-16-15: Two more politician cancellations today; now down to six. These may not be because of the saboteur, as one sounded shaky from the start. I am calling more politicians' schedulers, trying to get the attendee list back up. Any help would be appreciated!
Give Obama the same sentence as Benedict Arnold!!!!
No, gitmo. Why....well it would be the perfect place that a liberal would like. Secure housing and no citizens carrying guns around.
If you are not willing to die and fight for you freedom, then submit to N.W.O and Rome and be a Slave.
So, can you update me details of the roundtable ? correct spelling Greg Abbott..
another major concern > reinstate DADT...
I contact Roy Blunt S and Vicky Hartzler R both from Missouri and I notice that their names are not on this list how would I go about it to encourage them to sign on to this list ? My other Senator is Clair McCaskill and she is an IDIOT Communist Democrat !
Jean, The people who visit this site are scattered all over the 50 States. It is unreasonable to think such a spread out group can physically do more than affect local politics or send letters to DC.
I attend here to stay up with what other people think. It is invaluable when I make decisions about local efforts and it helps me keep other local people informed and gives me a place to send them to see what other like minded people think.
I will admit to not following PFA closely after the march on D.C. last Spring; however, I would like to learn more about this initiative. I am also involved with Veterans in Defense of Liberty, now 5 years old and constantly at CPAC and other national events involving political issues.
Appreciate anything you might send my way. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Larry Mortland
St. Cloud, FL
It all looks good except, #4 should be to completely abolish the Federal Reserve instead of a balanced budget. As long as the wealthy bankers have control of America's currency, the budget will never be balanced and America will never be free. The truth is, they are controlling much more than just the currency. Getting rid of the Fed will accomplish much more than only re-establishing America's monetary system. I actually think this should be #1 on the list. IMO.