Doug Vogt's Mega Neutron Bomb On Obama's Eligibility

This was forwarded to me from my trusted friend, and I'm sure some of you've already seen the video and know of all of this, but David LaRocque pretty well lays it out to make it easy to understand. Pay attention to the second paragraph after the video link, it'll blow you away!

"A message to all American citizens:

Seattle-based digital scanner expert Doug Vogt is interviewed in this video by Rev James David Manning concerning Vogt’s testimony at the Georgia ballot challenge hearing on Jan 26:"

"Working with New York-based  digital document expert Paul Irey, additional analysis by Vogt and Irey has demonstrated incontrovertibly and without a shred of doubt that the purported Obama Certificate of Live Birth presented on national television on April 27, 2011 is an unequivocal forgery, that the purported document was forged by one individual in the Hawaii Department of Health, and that the forger was apparently acting under coercion based on certain clues that were intentionally hidden in the digital signature of the document.

Vogt also asserts that the birth registration number shown in the forgery is of a certainty the number assigned to Baby Virginia Sunahara, a child born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 with medical problems which resulted in her death on the following day. Virginia Sunahara’s brother has requested a copy of his sister’s original birth certificate, to which he is entitled under both state and federal laws, but has met with stonewalling by government agencies in Hawaii. A lawsuit recently filed in Hawaii on his behalf will eventually force the release of this damning evidence, although it is not needed to prove the forgery.

Vogt conducted research on the law of treason in Title 18 of the U.S. Code. This law was adopted by the second U.S. Congress and was signed by President George Washington, along with companion laws for misprision of treason applicable to those who are complicit in an act of treason or who are aware of the treason and fail to report it to appropriate authority. These laws were adopted in response to the monstrous treason committed by the turncoat General Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War in order to protect the security of the nation from such betrayal in the future.

The penalty prescribed for such treason is the most severe available under the law.

The evidence is mounting and can no longer be denied. Barack Obama knowingly misrepresented his eligibility for the office of president and is thereby subject to a charge of high treason.

Those who assisted Obama or who were aware of Obama’s ineligibility are subject to felony charges of misprision of treason.

The number of persons in this latter category undoubtedly number in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, specifically including virtually the entire leadership and governing structure of the Democratic Party.

The fact is that we, the people of the United States of America, do not know with certainty the true identity of the president of the United States. There is not a shred of legally-admissible evidence which establishes Barack Obama’s place of birth, his parentage, his U.S. citizenship status, or even his true name.

We have vested the power of the presidency and the command of U.S. military forces in an undocumented individual.

If this were not true, it would be considered so improbable that it could only take place in a work of fiction.

This is without a doubt the greatest crime ever committed against the American people. The damage done to the nation by the crimes of Barack Obama is incalculable.

Any American who believes that Barack Obama should be allowed on the ballot for the next presidential election must answer to legitimate questions about where that person’s true loyalties lie. Supporting an unconstitutional president is simply irreconcilable with the preservation of the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law.   

David F LaRocque"

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  • So, if you or I were to use a birth certificate of similar origin to, lets say purchase a new home, would we not be charged with a couple of crimes? Lets see forgery comes to mind.

  • It just gets better everyday.

  • I hope they throw the S.O.B in jail for life,along with all the people that knew he is a fake.

    • They all should be "Water-Boarded" daily, maybe several times a day, jail is way too good for these Pukes!

      • That would put 90% of Washington in Jail if not more....

  • Actually I believe this post to be correct. The punishment for treason is death and is well deserved when treason is proven. The question is, do we have anyone that has the power to pursue this charge that will actually act. The facts have been staring all these people in the face for at least the last four years and yet they all just want to refer to folks as "birthers" and dismiss the argument as baseless. Are we finally going to see some results after the Georgia court removes his name from the ballot?

    • Judge Mahilic has been handed a tremendous responsibility here.  This cannot be dismissed. I pray that the Lord will guide the Judge through this decision he has to make. Talk about your lot in life. Perhaps it is all of our lots in life to see this through. I know I will be supporting and fighting right alongside anyone that will stand against this treason. WE the PEOPLE have been handed this responsibility and we had better handle it responsibly.

      • I hope this judge will rule in favor of the people.  However, don't hold your breath.  I doubt there is even one judge in the entire country who has the integrity and moral character to confront the federal police state and the Democratic machine.  Remember Vince Foster.

    • YES, CONGRESS HAS THAT POWER to TAKE CONTROL, then the SUPREME COURT has to put him on trial for treason.  But the problems is HOW MANY more people have covered up the truth?  Shouldn't all that have been his co-conspirators, shouldn't they also be on trial for treason ?  Now if you have other sites that have been monitoring what is happening.  You will find out that in 2003 to 2008, they have been preparing for a President that has parents that are non-citizens of the U.S.A.  There have been proposed amendments to change the constitution to allow non-citizen parents, or just one parent that is a citizen... where the child has the opportunity to become President of the United States of America.  There were 8 proposals to change the constitutional amendement for PRESIDENT...these were all done during the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.  Once was by Hiliary Clinton.  THESE PROPOSALS DID NOT GET PASSED.  But here we are with a President who is not born in the USA, admits that he was born in Kenya, has a dual citizenship (WHICH IS ILLEGAL TO HAVE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA), has fraudulently told us that he was born in Hawaii, PRESENTS US WITH A FRAUDULENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE, plus he has many Social Security numbers.  WHY?  YES, WHY IS HE OUR PRESIDENT?  Why hasn't the CONGRESS  checked into his past.  ISN'T ANYONE IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM DOING THEIR JOB?  MAYBE WE NEED TO FIRE ALL OF THE CONGRESS AND THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES.

      • i love my country the united states of america,you know they are all in bed together,my father fought in w.w.2 my brother in vietnam,and i,ll be damn if a let these musmutt of a treasonous president and company step on the american flag,we the people its time,this treasonous goverment needs to be overhauled,or better yet indite the treasonous traders, god bless all american veterans and all legal tax paying american citizens.

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