Link to Criminal Complaint is below post in a PDF attachment just above comment box.


We have only 7 DAYS to raise the funds to launch the Criminal Complaint. We are prepared to put our lives on the line in filing it, but only if the people are prepared to provide the funding necessary to complete the mission and protect the people involved throughout that process.

This organization needs big money donors. If you can help with this please do. All sizes of donations are welcomed and thankful for all.

If members would help contact individuals with better resources, using the info provided, the funds could be raised by only a handful of truly patriotic citizens with extraordinary resources.

If we do not meet the stated goal for launching the Criminal Complaint, ALL funds will be used to launch other stated initiatives at The North American Law Center and we will fight the battles we have a chance of winning.

One way or another, we are committed to fighting for freedom and liberty and the future of our once great nation.

Thank YOU for your commitment

Donations can be made online HERE!

The national contact person on this initiative is Tim Harrington



Priscilla and all.......  First I would like to thank all who took time out of their days and life to help gather stories and coverage of the fraud committed on the last National election.  I am not here to tell you who and where you should share your donations as it has been four years of people sharing what little they have in some cases as they have been hoping for something to happen to advance the actions to hold people and Government responsible.

The North American Law center has and is being developed to work for the people and focus on issues and people who need to be held accountable.  We did not roll this out nor where we ready but unfortunately the election as predicted determined for us that we had to expedite this organization to combat the things we know took place on Nov.6th of this year.  This is also an organization that will run point - on issues that revolve on other national organizations, who point fingers at the American citizens as they work with home land security and government to hold those who believe in constitutional law and country accountable.

  "but"  we need to focus on this election and no other entity that I know of is willing to do this at this time.  We also have plans to hold media accountable under FCC regulations on their actions as part and parcel of the bias reporting and subsequently up holding of the changes of your  government, the Republic it was founded under united by states and represented by it's people.  You have standing !!

So in reading the post and you as PFA members feel we working together in a "JOINT" effort is something you are interested in and or believe can and will make a difference we can use your help finically and your time helping us with research to pull this organization into a National fighting force for e=everyone.

Your help is needed to take this huge fight on as we will be in their playing field but we take the fight there. We have great attorneys we are working with and remember, only about 40% of them are actually bar members.  Not everyone is part of the problem and as we go forth we should bring in other leaders to advance the projects that will make a difference for all.  I am open for questions and Twana can get you in touch with me as we go forth.

Once again, I want to thank you all for your constant help and support and we are really going to need it in this fight.  We are also going after the FEC and the money fraud perpetrated through 3rd party site to the Obama cash flow into this presidential campaign.  So, once again thank you an Semper FI

Tim Harrington

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


  • Thanks Twana,

    I hope this actually gets filed and then there are some results !

    I'll do what I can !


  • You have done an outstanding job. May this info be shared with other groups? Is it better to make donation to Patriots Union than America Law center?

    •   Priscilla and all.......  First I would like to thank all who took time out of their days and life to help gather stories and coverage of the fraud committed on the last National election.  I am not here to tell you who and where you should share your donations as it has been four years of people sharing what little they have in some cases as they have been hoping for something to happen to advance the actions to hold people and Government responsible.

      The North American Law center has and is being developed to work for the people and focus on issues and people who need to be held accountable.  We did not roll this out nor where we ready but unfortunately the election as predicted determined for us that we had to expedite this organization to combat the things we know took place on Nov.6th of this year.  This is also an organization that will run point - on issues that revolve on other national organizations, who point fingers at the American citizens as they work with home land security and government to hold those who believe in constitutional law and country accountable.

        "but"  we need to focus on this election and no other entity that I know of is willing to do this at this time.  We also have plans to hold media accountable under FCC regulations on their actions as part and parcel of the bias reporting and subsequently up holding of the changes of your  government, the Republic it was founded under united by states and represented by it's people.  You have standing !!

      So in reading the post and you as PFA members feel we working together in a "JOINT" effort is something you are interested in and or believe can and will make a difference we can use your help finically and your time helping us with research to pull this organization into a National fighting force for e=everyone.

      Your help is needed to take this huge fight on as we will be in their playing field but we take the fight there. We have great attorneys we are working with and remember, only about 40% of them are actually bar members.  Not everyone is part of the problem and as we go forth we should bring in other leaders to advance the projects that will make a difference for all.  I am open for questions and Twana can get you in touch with me as we go forth.

      Once again, I want to thank you all for your constant help and support and we are really going to need it in this fight.  We are also going after the FEC and the money fraud perpetrated through 3rd party site to the Obama cash flow into this presidential campaign.  So, once again thank you an Semper FI

  • the intro doc "Sorry! This document is not publicly available"

  • ok...    i'm willing to share this, but have a quick question b4 i do...   is the correct verbiage the "2013 election"?  i thought it was 2012; does the 2013 refer to the fact that the fraud is replacing himself in 2013? 


    oh, and, how can non patriots union or veteran defenders contribute to this (or can anyone use that link?)?  it looks like the same link i used last week...

    • Any one can use the link for donation @ the USPU site above......

  • Hi, let me fill you in.  I'm 79, Retired 1SG USA,
    27 yrs service, Korea, Vietnam twice.  When I
    joined up I wrote a blank check to Uncle Sam for
    what ever was required of me.  168hr work weeks,
    (24/7), spent 17 months in Korea, Infantry, 3rd
    Infantry Division.  In Vietnam in 1967 I was a
    shift chief in an Electronics Repair element of
    the 86th Sig Bn.  I also was an outer site multi-
    channel equipment repairman.  Not far from the
    Cambodian border, Southwest of Saigon.  Next
    trip, I was assigned to The II Corps Ranger
    Command, (Vietnamese Rangers) we assumed the
    A Team sites that were held by the 5th Special
    Forces, who were stepping down.  My assignment
    was as the Communications NCO, I also had the
    reponsibility for codes and ciphers, also had
    the compound security, and adjacent unit security
    feed to up date their Intell knowledge.  I had
    the responsibility to check and train the
    occupants of the 14 A and B Team sites on
    the installation on operation of their
    Communications equipment.  I retired in 1979.
    I then went to work for the US Government as
    a Civil Service Employee.  (GS 9 and GS 11)
    I taught Single Side Band Military euipment.
    Repair and operation.  I was on the National
    Science Center for Communications and Electronics
    Task Force.  (Normal assignment was 120 days),
    I was with the for a year and 9 months. 
    Also had the assignment as Curator, Signal
    Museum Fort Gordon Georgia, Signal School. 
    Then I made GS 11, subject matter expert for
    Ground Communications, to include Carrier, Multi-
    Channel, Teletype, Telephone, Radar and Instructor
    Supervisor for Electronic Warfare at Keesler AFB.
    Was in the Presidential Task Force for Reagan and Bush.
    2 Medals of Merit.  Republican Party Platform
    Planning Committee at Large Delegate.  I'm
    about played out.  I'll spread the word, put
    in my 2 cents every once in a while, but the
    financial end isn't as full as it used to be.
    A. Menges, 1SG US Army Retired.
    • Thanks for your service - I'm sure spreading the word will help as much (or more) than a small donation.

    • Mr. Menges, please don't worry about the financial, you've done your part for this Republic. You may still be called on for your communications knowledge however! <grin>

      Twana, the donation I made last night, is in honor of Allen B. Menges, 1SG US Army Retired.

This reply was deleted.


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