
  • I saw dates for May 23, and May 30. Is it one of those? Is it both? Hey Washington, Here We Come!
  • I think we should hit DC as soon as possible.
    The fourth of July is probably a poor time because it is a holiday and many people will be away on family vacations.
    We also have to watch out for graduation season as well.
    Does anyone have a date in mind that is sooner than the fourth that will work?
    (April 19th, was Patriot Day in New England)
    bill a 48%er
    • Yes it should be as soon as possible and also they all need to be in session so we can surround them in the house!
  • Excellent suggestion MTCowboy............I know two or three that can be that PFA POC.........but the three I know are already carrying a load...but I don't exclude there one, two, or more who will volunteer, work together, to act as PFA point of contact(s) with other groups just for the Washington, DC TEA PARTY???

    This task will require time, effort, and a responsible commitment.........we need leaders to emerge in various areas in order to spread workloads in this and other areas as MTC suggests........

    This is basically a task to monitor blogs, conservative sites, etc to keep PFA informed on DC TEA PARTY developments....and can be communicated to PFA membership at this forum location.

    Send me your name, motivation, to and I'll coordinate with PFA on selection....
    • Many of us belong to various groups (PFA, GoE, 912) and have contacts with other groups in our states (MTA, Americans for Prosperity, Fair Tax). The D.C. event can be coordinated and have an impact on congress even if they won't admit it; however, we not only need a march (multi-million) and rally in D.C., we need to be there when we know that congress is in session and won't be leaving on some junket so that we can personally meet with our representatives. Wouldn't an early autumn (Sept/Oct) time frame be best to ensure that they are in town and available? I will contact one of our conservative legislators today to see if a tentative window of time (summer and autumn) can be determined. In my opinion, July 4th is not a good time. Many families have reunions or vacations scheduled well in advance. Also, it is my understanding that a major tea party event is being planned in Chicago on July 4th. Why not consider holding local/state tea parties as larger events on designated dates (Tax freedom day comes to mind) throughout the spring and summer. Then hold the massive march, rally and scheduled appointments with congressional members in the fall.
      After driving back from Lansing on 4/15 with 3 others, we all agreed that we would go to D.C. when the march/rally is scheduled. Of the four of us in the vehicle, 2 had never participated in a protest of any kind in their lives. This is definitely a movement and we need to keep it going locally, state-wide and nationally. The support is there.
  • Maybe combine the Victory in Iraq rally with the Tea Party????? June 13th.
    Send letters to our 'representatives', both houses, that we want them in DC for this. If they don't show, they don't represent us. And make it clear.
    • Gary,

      I think you hit on something with the date of Saturday, June 13 - Victory in Iraq day. The advantage is their will be many of our kind of people(right winged extremists, HaHa!) attending already.

      I agree with Jean we need to act to keep our momentum going or we could loose people, the iron is hot!.

      The idea of networking many/all groups for the same day is brilliant! The April 15th party used just a vew groups and look at the results. We have a powerful tool in our hands and can use it to pull off a huge DC showing. I'll bet their were thousands who wished to go to a tea party but did not have the coordination or network in place.
      bill a 48%er!
  • There's supposed to be a march on DC on Sept 12 and 13th by Freedomsfirst. I think ALL of us (singular and/or groups) need to be there. I would like to go and a friend in AZ have talked about possibly being able to go to DC together for the Sept march.
  • I am eager for a DC event and will attend. Will fly from CA.
    • Janet, what city do you live in? I live in Duarte, near Pasadena. I'm simply trying to get together with other patriots.
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