The US should stay alert. Iran has attacked Israel with hundreds of missles and drones.
Fortunately most of them were shot down before they even reached the Israeli borders.
But the Ayatola Wack-O has also pledged to attack America.
And Joe Biden has allowed millions of people to enter the US without any type of screening or checks to see who they are or where they may be coming from.
The US Government has no idea who these people are nor where they went.




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    • Democrats almost succeded in assassinating Donald Trump and are trying to act innocent.

      • Agreed."Investigations" will be "inconclusive"....there is little to investigate.They tried to get some shlub to take the fall,now my money says they'll try something more professional.Blowing up his car would be kitchy,silly movie stuff,but his plane could be bombed and then called a "terrible accident"....think about it,the deep state will not just roll over now,not when they're so close to destroying the American Experiment.

        • Yep FBI was instantly onhand to take over investigation. It will work out like Epsteins case I'm sure. 

  • The left-wing democrats and the communists will NOT stop now, - You can bet your bottom dollar on that.

    One of them, may have been Hillary Clinton, told the democrats to "go take some shooting lessons, Don't miss next time".
    These people are  hell-bent and determined to start a civil war, one way or another.;

    Obama installed thousnads of his communists cohorts into un-elected positions within our federal burocracies and agencies.
    The next strike could come from anywhere, at any time. I'm betting it will be before the November elections.
    It may be much sooner.
    They need something dramatic and vicious. Like a large scall bombing of a shopping mall, or perhaps even on one of their own democratic campaign headquarters. That way they are sure to blame Trump and his supporters.

    Also - now after the shooting at the PA rally the left will call for more gun controls.
    That's guaranteed.
    This is far from over. It's just getting started.

    Stay alert.


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