A Soldiers Last Wish

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A nation fulfilling a last wish of a fallen soldier and his family

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    Proud Vietnam Vet

  • YES, Anyone would think it should not be too hard to find the guy who ran with the money. This butt head should not only pay back the $17,000 , but he should also be sentenced to work for the family for a few years on work release and back to jail at night.

  • Hope whoever the thief was that they catch him and bring justice to his family. This is a terribe thing to have happened to his family and to do this to a fallen soidier is just sooooooooo wrong.

  • Michael...you nailed it......the thief that took the $17K should be hunted down like the animal he is......what a despeciable thing to do........

  • Sometimes you think you have seen it all and then another story like this comes along. Heartbreaking!

  • Great story & God Bless this family & the community's efforts to honor a soldier !! On a side note, I earnestly hope, & pray, the butthead who absconded with the funds left in his care is hounded relentlessly until he's run to the ground & the money returned-or beat outa his ass. What a great big man he must be to rob a soldier's legacy.

  • GREAT !  Thanks !


  • WOW

    • Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. - Luke 6:21
      • He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. - Psalm 147:3
      • No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. - Calvin Coolidge, American President

      • In this prayer LORD we ask you watch over all the families of those who gave all AMEN.


  • you didn't post a tissue alert...but thank you ...

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