Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud / John Coleman

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Exposing the lies of climate change

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  • I agree, Greg, that the news clip is old. However "cap & trade" legislation is still an issue with congress and the masses have a short attention span as well as memories!

    John Kerry, Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham are trying to forge a bill with a price on emissions as its core and enough other bells and whistles to attract the necessary votes to pass 'Cap & Trade.' Time to remember "climategate" is a fraud and Cap & Trade is not in the best interest of American taxpayers and utilitiy bills!

    This was posted to remind people that cap & trade is still a politically possible Congressional issue, and my aim is to kill it period - just like I am out to kill amnesty for illegal immigration; do away with anchor babies and increase greater border enforcement! This clip merely reinforces the idea of moving forward with cap & trade is a ridiculous proposal right along with climate change advocates!
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