And now they're here in force: JFK Warns of Infiltration
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You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!
There are several reasons obama has not been taken out two of which are: No thinking person wants to turn him into a martyr the Dumborats can rally around for decades and he far more protection and then any President has ever had or needed. Frankly, I would welcome Biden if it meant obama had been impeached. VP Biden is stupid but means well while the forces behind obama are brilliant subversives and mean to destroy our country.
Just a thought but the facts do bear out some of this hypothesis. Kennedy had crossed his party by suggesting that the gold standard be reinstated and national security has the top of his list of importance.
His security was relaxed in Dallas and the internal mechanism within Washington took him out.
Thanks Debrajoe!!!! Both posts are interesting. My knees are callused from praying for our nation. It causes my heart to break!!!. Between the sheeple and the commies.....We The People have our work cut out for us. With each lie and EO that comes out of this administration.......the only thing left of our Constituion IS "We The People"!!!!! We The People are caught between a rock and a hard place. If Americans DO rise up and FIGHT the enemy, aka o'satan, will impose Martial Law (as some predict). If we don't fight.............even "We The People" will be shredded. I will say this.....I would rather die trying to fight, than to die in fear because I didn't try!! Does that make sense? I hope so. Again, thanks Dedrajoe. I will print this off and mail it to my mom.
Obama Gives Himself Control of All Communication Systems in America
Obama Gives Himself Control of All Communication Systems in America
The question that many of us have regarding Executive Orders in general is, "are they law"? I thought the below quotes from Wikipediamight help us shed some light on that question: "United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law,[1]"
A slow devouring cancer was acknowledged and realized many years ago. Let's pray it doesn't take that many years to get them out.
Debrajoe Beatty, would you please post a copy of the EO here, so more people can read it? Thaks
July 6th, BH Obama wrote a two thousand word plus Executive Order giving himself control of all communication systems in the USA. Is it too late for us?