Benghazi Attack Was Botched Kidnapping to Trade Blind Sheik

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  • I had heard this. If this is the case, I damn Obama.

  • Anyone notice that the Syrian rebels have VERY recently received heat-seeking shoulder-fired missiles?  ...or "MANPADS"--precisely what the two Seals were in Lybia looking for... must've had our fingerprints all over 'em since no one could enter for 3 weeks.... wait!, except CNN.

  • Speculation --unless this anon. source  can be verified by an independent source. i.e. if Mr. Issa  or someone like him were to verify the credentials of this "unidentified source" and the veracity of his account .... But then we always do have the "seriousness of the charge" as the other side has played with benefit of a captured press--when the one charged was a Republican? 

  • If you had watched the investigation procedings in the House.  You would have caught the following, "We train these to be the security force, but they only last about 30 to 60 days and we have to retrain the next group."

    Question , Why in the hell are we using locals????  What happenned to the Marines????  The garbage can called "The State Department", needs to be emptied,  Incompetency, corrupt, inefficient elements place this country in jeapordy.  No oversight into their manuevering and commitments to the radicals and the UN is

    totally outside their jurisdiction.  With no physical fortitude in the Congress, it won't be stopped.


    They have a rocket at Cape Canevral, it is called the, "Civil Service Rocket", won't work with compentency and can't be fired..

  •  Someone in that embasy had information this administration did not want getting out, the rest is obvious

  • No doubt about it, I have to wonder why EVERY Senator and Congressman are not even now initating impeachment proceedings against this Treasonous Muslim pretender?  Could it be that they are afraid he will come after each and every one of them?  Perhaps it is time for them to become afraid of the very ones that put them in office because they are failing to do what their oath requires them to do......

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