Black Militia at Stone Mountain July 2020
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How long will it be before Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer call for the UN Peace-Keepers to come in?
If you're waiting for a peaceful resolution to all of this it ain't going to happen.
That's NOT their purpose. Anarchy and civil war is what they are after.
How long will it be now until the UN "Peace-Keepers" will be called in?
The people who are organizing and directing this number only less than 1,000.
My guess is only around 200-300. The top leaders for all of this ANTI-America movement are the American Communists party, BHO, Soros, and a few hundred lower echelon groups that they are funding.
We already know the UN is also behind much of this.
They (the UN) are seeking the end of America and a "NEW-WORLD-ORDER" that "NEW-WORLD-GOVERNANCE", THE ONE-WORLD-GOVERNMENT".
THIS is Obama's real legacy.