CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020 | Glenn TV

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We're being set up for a civil war. The Left is grooming us for an Eastern European-style revolution this election, and they’re not even trying to hide it an...

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  • In his video about what is happening in Washington D.C. Glenn Beck attempts to take credit for uncovering and "discovering" what we here at the PFA tried to tell them in 2014.
    In other words - It took Beck 6 years to figure out what we were saying in 2014, but he wouldn't back us up then.

    He did finally get things right in this video, Most if it at least.
    But still Beck says "Don't fight back", don't get involved.
    My answer to which is BULL-SHIT.
    If Americans don't stand up and put a stop to this attack then Obama and his minions will accomplish their "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a full fledged Communist/Marxist third-world hell-hole.
    Sooner or later America MUST stand up and put a stop to them or America will be lost forever.

    A Communist backed movement, started by the Obama organization. ANTIFA is a very well organized, and well funded terrorist group.
    The organizers are professionals at starting revolutions.
    In fact they are part of our own Federal Government. The CIA and Central Intelligence agencies.
    How do we know this? The communications network that ANTIFA organizers use was developed by our CIA.
    They use DMR (Digital Remote Radio) connected to cell phones.
    This gives the leaders (in Washington) direct and instant communications to their field leaders conducting the riots.
    The CIA used the same technology in Libya and in Syria, and in Ukraine.

  • Everyone here at PFA knows that Glenn Beck stabbed us in the back in 2014 when he refused to back and support our Operation American Spring. That effort would have removed Barack Hussein Obama from office. Beck's excuse was that the phrase "Spring" was used by others to bring about a revolution.
    Well look what we've got now.
    We've got a revolution started by the same people we were trying to remove in 2014.
    Glenn beck lays it all out now. When Beck gets thing right he is  good at showing people what is happening, so I will set aside our differences for this time.
    WATCH the video, Beck gets it right.

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