Col. Riley On Operation American Spring: 1.8 Million Patriots Already Onboard
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You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!
I said months ago, I supported this action. I also said if this did not work it would be the last protest, boycott, march, rally I ever attend. Due to the current condition of the nation, government, amoral, apathetic, ignorant attitudes of the majority there is nothing but a point our there at which Americans will have had enough. If there had been one million or 20 million it would have made no difference. A fellow by the name of Dean Garrison has the most common sense, well grounded, logical reality on the overall situation. That being can anyone say that a murdering, lying, blackmailing, bribing, threatening dictator who has no soul or restrictions on what he will do to turn America over to the Marxists and Islam. NO! I MEAN NOTHING WILL CHANGE HIM, BUT AN ACT OF GOD AND AMERICANS GETTING TO THE POINT WHERE THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE AND THEIR BACKS ARE AGAINST THE WALL. Americans today are not even close to the ones that founded this nation. There is no commitment and determination to keep our nation, Christian beliefs, Constitution and freedom. Problem is, when people are pissed enough to act like patriots it most likely will be too late. Americans ARE, IN FACT, lazy, ignorant AND STUPID, selfish, amoral and corrupt, have no pride or loyalty, apathetic, NOT CHRISTIAN IN PRACTICE. They are so stupid to loose freedoms every day and just go along. They won't even prepare to survive, come together to survive and be willing to fight. They are following Obama who has taught them well. The government is full of islamists in high defensive and administrative positions. They have told us they intend to fly the flag of al Qaeds on top of the White House. They will make us convert or die. And my friend that means YOUR lazy, unconcerned butt. Go research Muslim Beheadings. Watch a few. If you think that will never happen here you are an outright damn fool. Last warning; The Presbyterian USA, Episcopal, and United Methodist Churches are overtly and zealously promoting Islam with their interfaith programs on tolerance and acceptance. Home Depot is mandating classes in Islamic education. The feds. will permit Sharia law within 2 years. The mosques are no more than training centers for war against America. Many have firing ranges in the basements. And Christians, YOU can't pray at school on your free time. Muslims can practice anytime, anywhere they wish. Our Christian military can't pray or have a Bible visible. I don't know how lone you complete traitors will continue to sit on your asses, but if you don't wise up SOON it will be too late. Why does it NOT concern you that Boko Haram kidnapped 270 children to be prostitutes or soldiers for the boys. If they anger these savages, they are raped many times and then beheaded. What is in Africa and the Middle East will be here soon. Parts of England are patrolled by Islamists and free to kill, behead, rape, lie, steal. Just what the hell is wrong with you people. I have never seen such shameful ignorance. It is like suicide. To those who fit this description, may you burn in hell for denying God, country, Constitution, family, and your own worthless self.
Off to the store to get what I need, bye.
Thanks so much, Jean, I appreciate the links
I am surprised that little planning was done for live feeds of the event, for those of us who could not make the journey to be a part of it. If there are live feeds, could someone please provide links.
Don't believe the lies being spread by the progressive Liberals and Republicans about OAS, it's done to deflate us and simply won't work on this patriot. Our movement IS GROWING strongly no matter what these morons who hate American freedom say!