Dead People Receive Ballots in NH Primary
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You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!
Right on Bob...........and Wingy.........I don't what's going on in NH or anywhere else.......down is up and up is down these days.........
Oklahoma now requires a state issued ID and voter idenification card to vote. I show mine even though the poll worker is my next door neighbor. She said she doesn't need it since she knows me but I told her I expect everyone else to show theirs so I show mine, even if my mother was the poll worker. Those around me at the time seemed to be more willing to do the same when they see that a person with an advantage didn't take that advantage but acted just like everyone else.
Harry, in 2004 I had to show a picture ID to vote in NH...what is going on?
the last time I voted in NH I needed to show a picture ID...what the hell is going on up there?
Mail in ballots are the BIG FRAUD but do u see how many dead people are on the register. Why do they not have laws for relatives to MANDATE remove from election polls after death????? They have laws for ur dog, phone, etc...
Let's be honest, it's not only Democrats but it is also the Republicans. Both Parties agreed to NO ID. Both Parties are CORRUPT, DISHONEST, GREEDY, HATEFUL AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, OR THE UNITED STATES CITIZEN. THEY ALL SHOULD BE JAILED FOR TREASON. They knew what was going on and let it continue. We need a CHANGE, but it wasn't OBAMA, an ILLEGAL ALIEN. The change we need is to get rid of all that is on Capital Hill.
demoncrats have done this for ages. Every election is full of corruption, dead democrats, out of area democrats, felons, illegal aliens, all demoncrats have been carrying on like this as long as I can remember. Why do you think they fight so hard to prevent voter identification. The only ones "disenfranchised" by voter identification are those who shouldn't be voting in the first place.
I just want to know where all our taxpayers money is going? We have employed numerous people, too many slackers on the payroll. With computers there should be NO reason that our government can't keep the records current. So, that means that ALL OVER THE USA, THE GOVERNMENT OFFICES ARE PAYING DEAD PEOPLE TO VOTE, TO RECIEVE SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS, AND WHO KNOWS WHAT. I think it's about time to remove the slackers, starting at the top then going down the lines. GEE, WE JUST FOUND SOME MONEY THAT COULD TAKE CARE OF OUR SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT. And we didn't have to go far. If this is what is happening in our GOVERNMENT, there must be a whole lot of loop-holes that money is going out and to the wrong people. When the government came up with this new charter that you have to have so many different races on a job, THAT'S WHAT SCREWED US. The point is if you are QUALIFIED to do that certain job, then and only then should you have the opportunity to be employed. We have so many people on the government payrolls, some are paid just to communicate with a foreigner who can't speak English. Why are we hiring illegal foreigners in the government that AMERICAN CITIZENS can do that job? IF VOTER FRAUD IS TAKING PLACE ALL OVER THE USA, WHAT ELSE ARE THEY DOING TO US?
I'm sure NH isn't the only state that voter fraud exist in. Voter ID is something that any "good" American should not just be in favor of but DEMAND!!