Dinesh D'Souza - Obama & 2016

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Full speech of Dinesh D'Souza from the CPAC livestream The film title reflects what America will look like in 2016 if Obama is reelected in 2012

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  • Does anyone really think bho is concerned with the health & welfare of the troops? Reminds me of RVN in 1966 having to get permission to fire upon those engaging us, and them knowing there was about 8 switches to go thru which would take not less than 20 minutes, by which time they would have disappeared like a fart in a toronado. Get out now! Commanders need to garrison the troops and bite the bullet over orders to return to the field, I spak to the commanders in the Pentagon, not on the ground.

  • I am not going to pay money for Obama's book "Dreams from his Father" , just so I can read his past. I don't care about his past, he is a Usurper to the Office of the Presidency, put there by a complicit 111th congress and maintained there by 112th congress.

  • I can't wait for the movie, it sounds like a real eye-opener and mind changer, I for one will voice my opinion loudly, against this farce of a leadership and its supporters.

    We the AMERICAN PEOPLE need to be heard, and let those in charge know, that we the AMERICAN PEOPLE are sick and tired of them running AMERICA into the ground, and making us a laughing stock for all.

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