Ep. 748 Why Are They Still Pushing Us? The Dan Bongino Show.

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  • The Right and the Left, Republican and Democrat, Both sides claim they want to "Save This Country". I think for most normal people they really do believe that, and they are sincere about it. Republicans and Democrats both. It all depends on who they listen too, who they get their news from. The people who watch CNN and the main-streem media all hate Donald Trump and the Conservatives. Those who watch Fox News like Donald Trump and think he is doing a good job. So maybe instead of bashing each other until we end up in a civil war maybe we should look to see who is driving all this civil unrest. Who is it that is pushing for all this hatred and animosity? If you really want to save this country then you better look for who it is that wants to destroy it all. Who is it that wants to destroy our Constitutional Republic? It's not the run of the mill Democrat voters or the Republicans either. Who was it that said "We Are only five days away from Fundamentally Transforming America"? It was Barack Hussein Obama and his Communist party. And that is the same bunch of people that are constantly pushing all this civil and political unrest. And the left-wing news media is all to willing to assist him. We all know that CNN and MSNBC are a bunch of liers. The Laim-streem media are the ones who are pushing all this civil discord and trying to start a civil war. So I say we stop them. Revoke their broadcast licenses and start jailing some of them. They're all traitors plain and simple. Take them down. Take them out.

    "The left will do anything to incite more violence",
    The far left will do anything to start a real hard civil war. That's the only way they can call in the United Nations.

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