Eyewitness Account of LaVoy Finicum's Murder by Federal Agents

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This is the testimony of Victoria Sharps who was in the Bundy/Finicum vehicles and witness the murder of LaVoy first-hand. www.facebook.com/citizensforconsti...

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  • This is the edited version:

  • It looks like they released the unedited video of the incident on youtube, they also posted the edited one also.  I'am posting the youtube unedited video, the edited one is on the same page on youtube.

  • So the FBI released video of Finicum reaching into his jacket where they say he had a simi automatic hand gun . My questions are these: with multiple snipers on target couldn't they have waited until he actually produced a weapon? Surely they had the upper hand as they were already locked on target.., And what justification do they have with spraying a vehicle loaded with women they have not even commented on that, they posed no treat, wernt hostile in any way. They can have all the video they want I'm still not buying their justification in what they did. Your not justified in killing someone unless your life is "clearly" in danger, theirs were not when they open fire.
  • I agree totally, trick is how to do it...?  Gonna sleep on it tonight.


  • Pitting the races against one another is one of the Ten Planks in the Socialist agenda and the black leaders and black activists groups are buying right into that playbook. But I guarrentee you if we could gather black and Hispanic patriots to assemble and protest the government and law enforsement would have a completely different attitude. Christian whites are the new minority were to blame for all of Americas problems. If your a white Christian veteran your definetly on a terrorist watch list and they won't give a second thought to shooting your ass. Their goal is to keep the races fighting amoung themselves, pit rich against poor, Christians against Muslims, legals against illegals, these ideas are nothing new they are as old as Socialisim and Communisum themselves.
    And we're going to lose this fight if we don't come together as a United whole and DO something.
  • Well Michael Regan that's something I have been calling for, solidarity because they have pitted us against each other with racism, there are many factions, they need to come together.  All these factions are being manipulated by the 1%, divided we don't make much difference, united who can overcome us?  But can people stop the hating we have been conditioned to have?  The answer is a common cause!  "Hands up, don't shoot!"
  • So I guess when someone is shot and killed who posed no treat and they tried to kill women we should do nothing. They can loot and riot in Furgeson but we're suppose to shut up and take it Michael? Maybe what we need are hundreds of Black patriots to show up there!!!
  • Another notch on the Clinton belt.  How crooked could this all be?  And the news says nothing.   Obama would like nothing better than to have all of everyone show up there.  Then he can call it domestic terrorism and send the special forces he just let train here in Jade Helm.  They have had so much practice at false flag events, they would forbid the press, it could start the civil war he wants...Do we really want to let him push us into this?

  • Clinton Foundation Pockets Massive Payoffs From Russia for Mining Rights In Wyoming And Oregon- Hammond Ranch Part Of The Deal!


  • This may be a little long, but it IS worth taking the time to read it. Read it - and ask yourselves "what next."

    The Ambush and Murder of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum


    The Ambush and Murder of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum
    BURNS, OREGON (Last Updated 1/31/2016 3:46 am)(FCP) – on January 26, 2015 the FBI and Oregon State Police ambushed and murdered Robert “LaVoy” Finicu…
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