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Presented By The Fake Warrior Project, A Division of P.O.W. Network. Written and Produced By Henry Mark Holzer Researched and Edited By Colleen Gedrich

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  •    One of the problems in Washington is the lack of Military service. Men and Women who have severed their

    country with honor know the true price of freedom. I fear that this is something that is being lost.

  • From my perspective, as a Vietnam Combat Veteran, it seems like back then, nobody wanted to be us....Today, everyone wants to be us.......There is no place in a just society for deceivers...The one in the white house is the icing on the wannabee cake...............

  • I served--as a Navy Corpsman--with both the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions. If you missed it, you didn't miss a thing--if you are a "wannabe", who ran off to Canada, I really feel sorry for you.

  • I didn't serve, I tried to, but flunk my physical.  I have so much respect for our veterans.  I am so sick and tired of these dumdasses pulling crap like that.  Another thing that angers me is these guys that say they were a Navy Seal of a Green Beret.  I have friends who have told me the right questions to make them screw up if they really were not.  It is funny when you come across these guys.  If they were former SF they seem to respect you for quizing them, and if they were not they get pissed off.

  • Our self confessed Kenyan "Resident", is probably the is the most notorious Fake, of all time!

  • You're more generous than I, Harry.  My request would be for God to have mercy on us and remove him from the picture..

  • Of all the Fakes that try to be something they are not, dishonoring true heroes and military families, Barack Obama is the most despicable fake in human history. God have mercy on his miserable soul.

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