Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Coverup

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Perhaps no scandal is more threatening to the Obama Administration than Operation Fast and Furious. While other scandals involve money, Fast and Furious involves lives, including that of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, gunned down with a weapon that the federal government put in the hands of Mexico’s narco-terrorists.As shocking as Operation Fast and Furious was – and this book explains just what this operation conducted by the ATF, under the supervision of the Justice Department, entailed – equally appalling is the frustrating cover-up of wrongdoing. No reporter has been more dogged in tracking down the facts about Fast and Furious than Townhall Editor Katie Pavlich, and in her new exposé, she confronts all the misrepresentations, denials and excuses surrounding this ill-fated endeavor.

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