Justice with Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 10/27/12

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Justice with Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 10/27/12 regarding Benghazi coverup.

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  • This Lady "Tells it Like It Is".  Can we make her a "Honorary Citizen of Texas"?  She is enraged, and she lays it on the line.  We are all enraged at the death of Four Americans, who were slaugtered due to the complete and utter incompetence of our Government, to run itself.  We do not have Leaders in Washington, we have a really dumb bunch of lying Actors.  These People cannot even keep their own stories straight.  They should all be impeached, be fired, and sent to prison for their dastardly deeds. Call and complain, at least.  I did.  We should bombard Washington and the White House with calls, just to honor the Memory of these Brave Americans, if nothing else.


  • Thank you Judge - you said it all and God bless you!

  • Yes we the veterans, know this imposter in the white house must be held accountable!!!  SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on this worm Holding the title of POTUS!!!!  

  • Obama is derelict in his duties. Better yet does BH Obama know what his duties are?

  • Ty Woods father's message to Obama "Mr. President, it's better to die a hero than to live a coward". 

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