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You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!
Evidently Edward S Davison has not lived around desert rats or dealt with them. They are congenital born liars. The so called moderate or peaceful rat believes they are superior to non-desert rats. I was raised in Dearborn where the largest conclave of rats live. They are filthy and deny rights to other residents. The desert rat policemen always favor their counter parts when there is a dispute. Unless you truly have had direct experience with them then hold your tongue. They are all rats. There is no such thing as one of them being ignorant about the queeran. It is driven into their imbecilic brain from the they are whelped from the mother rat.
All these useless piles of garbage, should be held accountable for their actions at the very least, what a blatant disregard for the dead and their beliefs!
I can't believe that our citizens and soldiers, can get in so much trouble speaking against islam and the muslim way of life, but these a-holes can defile gravesites and the HOLY CROSS standing by them!
Oh, that's right, our commander and chief - leader of OUR COUNTRY, won't even salute the AMERICAN FLAG, and happens to belittle the Christian faith and their HOLY book the BIBLE, makes perfect sense nothing will get done!
Let those cowards try that crap here, they'd probably make it in to the grave-sites,but I can't guarantee they would be leaving, their bodies would be in the right place, but this pissed off PATRIOT thinks burial would be to good for these criminals!
Another Angry AMERICAN
It has been said that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. That saying must be qualified. Hell is full of the enemies of God. Jesus never told us to love His enemies or His Father's enemies.
Read the imprecatory prayers of the Bible. David said, Ps 139:21-22 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
Was the Psalmist wrong to hate God's enemies?
Of course there are those who hate us as we are told to overcome their hate with loving kindness, but when they shake their fist at God and knowingly show hatred toward the Saviour and war against the truth of the Scriptures, they become God's enemies. I can try to love those who hate ME, but I cannot love those who are God's enemies.
God both hates and loves but always in perfect righteousness and a perfect judge.
Also, hate need not be the prime emotion that compels our actions. There is another thing, far more objective and less personal called JUSTICE. I wonder what would happen to those who would desecrate graves at Arlington.
So why not retrieve the remains of our fallen soldiers in North Africa? That mission alone would be far more honorable than spending 770 MILLION DOLLARS restoring and rebuilding mosques in muslim countries..
but that's another story.
Are you angry yet!
A little humor can contain some great remedy.........thanks for the chuckle Johnny.......
The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink. Appalled, the preacher replied, "I'd rather be tied up and taken advantage of by women of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips."
The cowboy then handed his drink back to the attendant and said,...
"Me too, I didn't know we had a choice."
What the hell is going on in this country.... When I saw this argument of who hates who... I knew this was coming. As a buddy in my unit overseas would often say... and I can hear his words now..."I am a lifer, a New Yorker and being from New York I have the God Given right to hate whomever and whatever I choose!!"....
After pondering his comment... I could only smile nodding with agreement that he is absolutely correct. It has only been in this generation that the Idea of HATING and HATE has emerged to the level it now is. We DO hae the right to hate and that is not all bad!!! I hate Squash... and Fireants..... and Scorpions..... and Pain.... and anyone who wants to remove my FREEDOM....
If the Shoe Fits............
Gringo........the first URL in your post is not active........
There will be wars and rumors of wars, there will be earthquakes in diverse places. When you see these things know that the end is near.
Why are Americans buried in Libya! Was there fighting there in WWII? I don't know! It is these kinds of acts which get retaliation from distraught American troops. The soldier from WA state who had done 4 or 5 tours in Iraq may be suffering PTSD and the Muslim's shooting killing those six soldiers in their fury over the qurans being burned might have been enough to set him off. However, if our troops hadn't been there in the first place none of that would have happened!
Well, anyone have any remaining doubts of islum hostiles NOW ? Okay, so they flattened some gravestones. Gravestones that have been there since WW2. Wonder if they flattened German stones also ? Probably did, they didn't appear to be READING them. Perhaps, in honor of the dead here, of both sides, there should be a tank ' exercise '. I'll leave the details to the tacticians.