NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming

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Judge Napolitano of Fox News reports that man made global warming is a hoax, and NASA knows it. Its sun spots stupids. There is no clear evidence that man is responsible for these fluctuations in temperatures that we have been experiencing for the last thousand years.The great tragedy of the whole thing is that these lunatics are using this myth about man made global warming to destroy our economy. They seem to want us to go back to the old days of heating with wood, because that would be the result of their actions. How else will we be able to survive after a complete collapse of our economy, and millions of people die? But maybe that is what they want; to rid the earth of man, the enemy of nature.All that I'm saying is that there are always unintended consequences to actions, and that goes double for liberal actions. The liberals (progressives) never seem to think things through to there natural conclusion. It's like when they raise taxes and just expect that people are going to bend over and take it. Well that's just not the way it is. When taxes are raised drastically, there is a reaction to it; it's called avoidance.So when the progressives implement their cap and trade (tax) law, businesses will simply just leave the country to avoid it. And those that cannot leave, well, they will just pass the tax on to the consumer, which is you and me. Of course the rise in energy prices will not hurt the wealthy; it will instead hurt the middle class and the poor. I've read estimates that the rise in home energy prices coupled with the rise in the cost of goods brought on by the tax will cost the average American family over five thousand dollars a year. I hope the middle class and the poor thank Mr. Obama for their tax increase in the next election.Here's the article that they Judge referenced:

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