Obama Administration Cover-Up... Proof Terrorists Crossed Mexican Border

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Find original here:http://www.westernjournalism.com/obama-administration-cover-up-proof-terrorists-crossed-mexican-border/

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  • Talk about an inane ruling, Jerry! They're here ILLEGALLY: that's the grounds for removal! We don't need any other grounds!
  • @Lawrence: They've also been teaching the "art" of decapitation to the Mexican drug cartels, Muslim style; there've been 2 show up in recent months, one just south of the border, and one in AZ just a couple of weeks ago. They ARE here, and more are coming. For every one the Border Patrol catches at a check point probably 10 or more come across the desert and aren't even detected doing so; but our borders are "as secure as ever"!
  • I guess this is why the DHS gave a sudden interview 3 weeks ago to Gretta,claiming all kinds of secure borders. LOL This Admin. tries to head breaking facts off at the pass. I hate to say it but I really think something has to happen before people realize we are sitting ducks for open terrorism.
  • Rep Jeff Miller R-FL

    I want to know what you are going to do about the souther border invasion??

    View this video and tell me what you are going to do about it.


    If you do not answer me and offer tangible action to deal with the illegal invasion I will start a movement against you from now until 2012...with goal of defeating any asperations you have for continued public office. This is not a threat but a promise if you do not get off the fence.

    Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
  • This has been going on for qite some time.Hezbalah and the Iranian Revelutionary gaurd has been in Venzuela trainning in the spanish language,culture and how to cross the southern border of th e United states.They are also
    trainning members of drug cartels in the art of bomb making.
  • I've know for years that Muslims were crossing the southern boarder. The prayer rugs that were found were never talked about, just the drugs and the Mexican illegals. The boarder patrol told this to Hannity and "geraldo" ick, want to choke just mentioning that name! How about the 100 thousand nobama is bringing over here from Palestine? Does anyone think that they will all be as pure as the driven snow? They will all be living off our backs as do the illegals, complete with all the perks that the illegals get, welfare and it wouldn't surprise me if they will get our ss money also like the mexican illegals are!
  • I have heard these things in the past, but this is the first I have heard of a Federal cover-up. I can see the Dems suppressing this type of info because of the running debate about illegal emigrants and their desire to flood the voting booths with ignorant, willing, welfare recipients. What I can’t see are the law enforcement agencies, both state and federal, willingly following along.

    My God! Can’t they see the bloodbath when these Islamic terrorists strike and there are thousands of causalities here in the U.S.? Americans; whites, blacks, Hispanics and everyone in between will declare war on Muslims across this country. I don’t believe all Muslims are bad people, but I do feel Islam when left unchecked is evil.

    We need to bring our troops home and post them on our southern border. Round up all illegals regardless their status and send them back across the border where they came from. If they have any money they can purchase a one-way ticket home, wherever that may be, and we wish all the best of luck. If they are criminals they are restricted from ever coming back into the U.S. ever. If they don’t have a record then they can apply for a visa and green card and come back legally.
    I don’t have a problem with immigrants. This country was built on immigrants who came here legally, learned English, and applied for citizenship. I applaud and welcome them and America is stronger for them, but illegal is just that, illegal! They are breaking the law and need to go home.

    Just my thoughts…
  • We need to move all Military live fire ranges to the border.
  • This border issue is a substantial issue to the politicians, look at Harry Reid getting re elected. He has promised to try to get the Dream Act through this lame duck congress.
    I live very close to the border and know people that even live in Mexico and I can say things are far worse then they are being reported.Fortunately it is mostly in Mexico but it is only time until it escalates to more then just one or two Americans, which are too many.
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