Obama's Illegal Aunt: "You Have The Obligation to Make Me a Citizen" (Interview with her)

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http://www.StandWithArizona.com Zeituni Onyango's arrogance and contempt for America is breathtaking. She came illegally, lived in public housing for years, collected welfare, even got $51k in disability. And still she is angry at America. This case is beyond depressing. And it underlines what many eople see today: that in the old days, immigrants came to America to lend a hand to our growing nation. But far too many today merely come for a handout. And their arrogance and sense of entitlement is a symptom of the broken borders and lawlessness we have permitted, which lets anybody in, asks nothing of them, and gives charity to the lazy while so many deserving citizens are forgotten. And where is the multi-millionaire Obama in all this? His Aunt, whom he spoke lovingly about in his book, STILL does not work, STILL receives disability, still claims to have "no money".http://www.facebook.com/StandWithArizonaSTORE: http://www.cafepress.com/StandWithAZ

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