Ocala FL. Treading on the Flag

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  • In my research of Ocala City code 110-131 it says that "The official flags (plural) of the United States and State flags are exempt. I contend that the Gadsden flag is a historical US flag replaced by the Stars and Stripes, therefore , it should be exempt from the city code. Read other people saying the code needs to be changed, but I believe the flag will stand in its own historical merit. SEMPER FI.
  • 8143084887?profile=original

  • Gear Barrel owner Keith Greenberg said that the city said he was permitted to fly the American flag outside his store, but prohibited from displaying anything else outside his business which specializes in selling knives.

    “This is a shock,” he said. “Honestly, I feel like this is Russia. I’ve been around the world … this is what you expect in really closed countries where there is no freedom of expression. Not here — so it’s shocking.” The flying of the flag appears to be prohibited under the city code of ordinance, section 110-131. I tried to post his video that they claimed the flag hung to low, but he proves it's not the height and that there is an American Flag 2 stores down from him at the same height.

  • Tracy. Do you know why the city is opposed to one of our nations historical flags? I live in Vegas, but I'll do what I can to make people aware what the officials in that city are up to. This is beyond, beyond. I hope like they said that this goes viral.
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