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You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!
cocked and locked and ready to rock. Selector lever and shake and bake. Just let me know when.
I want my country back.
Thomas::::i would love to help , but i live in SD... You people in Ohio need to make sure Boehner is GONE GONE GONE... im sure he wont be weeper of the house in 14, but we also have to make darn sure nazi piglosi doesnt regain the seat and cantor is got his eye on the speakership... there is another big NO... we are going to be busy this year... im exausted just thinking about it... lol
Thomas, Welcome and thank you for your service...
Reverend Manning: Dictator Obama False Flag and Martial Law Coming! 01.06.14
In my opinion, this audio message does not give credit to the movement that is before us. inaudible at times, no identification who is speaking, etc. This is one of the worse messages I have heard pertaining to OAS. Clarification is required on why this was sent out.
Military Coup Against Obama Inevitable
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By common sense
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A Military Coup Against Obama Is Inevitable
Friday, January 3, 2014 12:57
(Before It's News)
Ex-CIA deep cover agent, Dr. Jim Garrow has stated that a military coup against Obama is inevitable. Despite Garrow’s pronouncement, the facts speak for themselves. Even if the military was not loyal to the American people and could care less about the preservation of the Constitution, the military must fight back if for no other reason than simple self-preservation.
As a nation, we can afford bouts of economic downturns, civil strife and even some degree of political mistrust of our leaders. A nation can take definitive steps to recover these maladies. However, the one thing that America cannot tolerate is the compromising of our military, and since Obama has been president, the effectiveness of our military has been greatly compromised as witnessed by the firing of 200+ command level officers.
A Crisis of Military Leadership
The number of generals either drummed out of the service or forced into early retirement since Obama took office is growing by the month. Untruthful pretexts have been manufactured by the Obama administration to usher out many of our top military commanders. Many of these generals were among our most effective and experienced military leaders. Almost all of these generals are being replaced by men with less military experience and this fact alone leads to a less effective military.
Read More at www.commieblaster.com
look for this headline:
Military Coup Against Obama Is Inevitable 01.04.14
sound track is good here
My wife Jane Harbaugh is a cherokee indian, and this is from one of her elders. I thought about what is going on and thought some others may like this as well!
We are put on the earth to participate in life. We have a beautiful mind, we have the ability to pray, we have the ability to change, we have the ability to accept, and we have choices. All things God created are constantly changing. This constant change causes our circumstances to change. Sometimes we say life is difficult. During these times we need to use our tools: the tools of prayer, and the tools of meditation. We are designed to change and live joyfully on this earth. The only requirement for living joyfully is to live according to the laws, principles, and values given to us by the Creator.
Anyone with a brain knows what is happening to our Nation..It's a clear Communist/Muslim takeover with Nazi overtones...!!! And the current Cold Civil War II has already begone...Oct 13, 2103 at the WWII Memorialin D.C. and this was all started, and on purpose, by OB and his Commie/Muslim/liberal/left/NWO! The Ex-President of Poland said this week that the World Gov are well aware the OB has taken over the USA andhas turned it into a Communist Nation (USSA) and our lying lame stream media is doing everything it can to hide this fact from the American People until they make their final bl*ody takeover...here that people! The whole World knows that "We the People" have lost our Nation to the Muslim/Communist and his followers in OUR WH..."We the People" are Scr*wed"...!!! OB & Kerry admitted at the end of September that they have over 386,000 U.N Troops on American soil..at NO time since the War of 1812 has a foreign Army been on American soil, and this is a foreign Army (200,000 of these Troops are Russ*ans, does that tell you anything)...!!! I see a very blo*dy future for "We the People" and if WE want to keep our FREEDOM we have to REMOVE these TREASONOUS S*B's from ELECTED OFFICE and in OUR MILIT*RY NOW...if not WE ARE ALL D*AD OR IN A FEMA (SL*VE) CAMP...!!! No one every said that FREEDOM WAS EVER FREE...!!! From time to time the Tree of Liberty has to be shaken...That TIME has ARRIVED once against...It's time to make your CHOICE…!!!