POLICE STATE 2010: Philly Cops Stopping & Searching Random People On The Streets

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  • Wow Willie, thanks for posting this! I'm amazed this isn't a huge story! I don't always agree with Judge Napolitano, but he's right on here, and that ignoramus Dom Giordano cavalierly dismissing constitutional principles as "...your lofty ideals" should earn him a spot in the Unemployment Office line!

    Might I suggest to our fellow members that this video should go viral, and the story should be heavily blogged about in the coming days. This is exactly what's wrong with the Nazi tactics being used at airports right now, they will inevitably inure to any and all law enforcement agencies and individuals as being constitutional when it is painfully obvious that it isn't! And when judges see the lack of anger or outrage by John Q. Public over such outrages, it makes it that much easier for them to codify these kinds of abuses into settled law, just like they did with Roe, McCain/Feingold, the Patriot Act and an endless list of other high court rulings. It is isolated cases such as this one that NEED to be heavily challenged before they spread and metastasize like a cancer in our nationwide legal lexicon. Get to work Patriots!

    And thanks again Willie. Great find.
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