Restoring Honor Rally- Artist Vernessa Mitchell sings "Unity"
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But this songs message is VERY strong. For if we are going to win, and defeat this cancer, we MUSY unite as one. We MUST stop all of this appealing to emotions.
For you look at so many postings on so many sites. Look at what people are writing or saying on them. Are they messages of hope? Are they positive messages? Are they messages to unite? Where are they talking to one? Are they talking to the inside of one?
For what so many people write or post, people either agree or disagree with. There are so many times, that I read , or see something, and someone responds back, refuting what somene says. Totally diagreeing with them. Calling people names, as if they are on the other side. People jumping down ones throats becasue they do not side the way you do. Trying to convince one to see things my way. But yet we are all on the same side.
It felt so greeat to be at 8/28, and feel none of this. We put all the politcs aside, and we felt like one big family. You just did not want to leave that place. You wanted the rally to continue for hours.
There are so many times I want to post something. But what happens is I am afriad to. Afriad becasue since I am not in the violence, or revolutionary, or call to arms camp, what I would say, people willl rip me to shreds. People refusing to see both sides of the coin.
To see things from anothers point of you.
And yet, we are all on the same side. We are all in this together. Imean you go back to the conclusion of 8/28. One of the strongest moments of it was when all religions and all faiths, joined as one on the stage. They locked arms. with one another. People who might totally disagree with one anohter. But they can find common graund, and join as one strong voice On what they CAN agree on! . No one in the press or media, iare talking about that moment. I have not seen one picture of it in the newspaper. The reason they do not is they know how powerful, and storng of a message that really is!
For if we are going to win back Novemeber. If we are going to take back America , this is what we must do. Instead of talking about division, let us talk about ways we can unite? Talk about what all of us CAN agree on. Not be on the POLITCAL realm either
We are talking way to much politics, and not enough what all of us agree on. This kind of talk is scaring people, and driving up peoples apathy and fears. It is not helping the casue. It is also driving up the call for violence, for arms. Which is what the left wants us to do. They want us to get angry. They want us to call for arms. So then they can show America..Look at how those conservatives are! So they can be the winners in the end.
Unity is the answer!