Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign's Legal Team Hold Press Conference 11/19/20

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  • I got an email from someone that says this thing will go to the Supreme court.
    There it will be decided that the election was a fraud and the fake vote-by-mail ballots will be thrown out.
    That will then force the decision into Congress.
    Once it's in Congress it doesn't matter who got the votes except the top two.
    Each state gets one vote for President. Since 30 of the States are Republican and 16 are Democrat Trump will win.
    The Senate then gets to decide on the Vice President. Mike Pence, Joe Biden, or Kamala crazy Harris.
    Since republicans control the Senate I believe they will select Mike Pence.

    I hope this guy is right.

    All of this must happen between December 14th and January 20th.
    The only other way to avoid civil war is for the supreme court and the Electoral College to give it to Trump.
    After that the shooting starts.

    We will NEVER allow a communist take over of this nation.

  • My soul is ready to get this revolution to restore our Republic started.

    It is totally F'd up.

    What do we have to lose at this point?

    Get the fighting started and let the chips fall where they may.

  • Thomas Paine, These are the times that try men's souls

    THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

    What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

    Thomas Paine, The Crisis No. I (written 19 December 1776, published 23 December 1776)

  • Democrat candidate Joe Biden has NOT even been officially declared the winner of the 2020 elections yet. The US Electoral College has NOT yet met or chosen the winner. It has NOT yet been decided who (if either candidate) won the majority of the Electoral College votes.
    And yet the entire world has decided that Joe Biden has won the election and is now the President of The United States of America.
    America - Be very careful who and what you believe.

    There appears to be only one thing that we can be sure of - That THIS is the "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a Communist New World Order. The One World Order promised by the UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMAND and Communist CHINA.

  • November 23rd, 2020.
    Today's headlines:

    China Issues Instructions for ‘Incoming Biden Administration’

    Obey Beijing, do not challenge China’s assumed economic superiority and open your domestic markets without restraint: these are the three key instructions for Joe Biden issued in an op-ed published Sunday by the Global Times, official propaganda mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Report: Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

    Former Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly set to announce this week that Tony Blinken, who supported the idea of “Russia collusion,” would be his Secretary of State.

    Proof: Democrats Caught With Vote Fraud

    Above, from Nov. 4, 2:33 AM Eastern time. At 3 AM on November 4, Trump was winning Wisconsin by 4.1%, with 91% of the vote counted. He was winning Georgia by 2.6% with 93% of the vote counted, Michigan by 8.4% with 71% of the vote counted, and Pennsylvania by double-digits. By noon on Wednesday, he was behind in all of the swing states. (Photo: Kenneth R. Timmerman)

    GOP Sen. Cramer: It’s ‘Past Time to Start a Transition’ to Biden Administration

    Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that it was “past time” to begin the transition to a Joe Biden administration.

    Cramer said, “I agree there has to be an end. I frankly do think it’s time —well, it was past time to start a transition or at least to cooperate with the transition. I would rather have a president that has more than one day to prepare should Joe Biden end up winning this. But in the meantime, again, he’s just exercising his legal options.”

    China Issues Instructions for 'Incoming Biden Administration'
    Obey Beijing, do not challenge China's economic superiority and open your domestic markets, the Chinese Communist Party told Joe Biden.
  • You're right Jack, People have been screaming for several years that they want a change in Government.
    Obama ran and was elected on his Bull-shit of "HOPE AND CHANGE".
    The problem is that the type and kind of "Change" he was promoting was into Communism.
    A system of total and complete forced domination and absolute control,,, over EVERYTHING.
    We already have - (HAD) the type of system that people are screaming for, but THAT is precisely the kind of Government that Washington does NOT want and is currently trying to eliminate and destroy.
    The type of Government that we had was a Government Of the People, BY the People, and FOR the people. with very limited powers and authority over the people by the Government.
    It is known as and is called a Constitutional REPUBLIC. A FREE Constitutional REPUBLIC.
    The people want a change, then the answer is very simple;
    Restore the Constitutional REPUBLIC.

    We better do it soon.

  • I think it's time for everyone to go back and re-read that Declaration of Independence." AGAIN.
    As near as I can see, this kind of Government, and the fact that those people up there are not simply willing, but they are viciously willing to disregard the Constitution and all of the limits that it places on the Government.
    These people do not give a rat's ass about that old-Document. And the faster they can get rid of it the better as far as they are concerned.
    We must all remember that Constitution of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is only as good as the people's willingness and determination to uphold and enforce it.
    If we fail to uphold and force them to OBEY that Constitution then we-the-people will cease to have any say in how this Government is conducted.
    It is NOT a Government of the Government for the Government. And BY the Government.
    It is up to US to determine what kind of Government we want.


  • Same here Lee, but at least I have some of the Texas groups down here.

  • We had better be prepared. I'm one that's not going to sit back and watch but I do need to find a local militia to become a part of, and I'm finding that extremely difficult.

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