School Safety Expert Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook
NO CHILDREN DIED AT SANDY HOOK! This school safety expert has completed an intense investigation into the events at Sandy Hook and has come to the conclusion that it was a scripted event. So that seems unbelievable to so many of us, but look at what is taking place in America. Why are we going to Washington DC? Once you consider all of the factual information on Sandy Hook, as a reasonable person, you will have no choice but to come to the conclusion that it was in fact staged. The most frightening thing about this is the length our own government will go to to try to disarm us.
As we focus our efforts on OAS, we must keep in mind that this government will not hesitate to do what ever they think the general public will accept to stop us in our tracks. That is why our most powerful weapon, short of being armed will be the numbers that we assemble in DC. A few thousand will make it easy for them to quell the protest, but a few million will not easily be silenced. Please make every effort to recruit as many as possible. Make copies of the flyers on this site and pass them out everywhere. Go door to door in your neighborhood, put flyers on cars at churches, we must have an overwhelming force!
Be safe Patriots, listen to the video.
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