SHOCKER! Avi Lipkin says OBAMA Plans to Legalize 50 Million Muslim Immigrants to America!
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earlier i said i was going to post this info in some of my FB groups & report back w/ info... my postings were virtually ignored; other than on one website someone said they knew avi lipkin & it was legit; told someone that he'd give them mr. lipkin's email address if they wanted to speak to him directly about it...
this morning, i get an email w/ a clip of the following story:
WTF?! Obama Gives Temporary Protected Status to All Syrian Illegal Aliens in US
Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano just gave thousands of Syrian Muslims–all of them either sympathizers with Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood–permission to stay in the United States forever. Yup, even illegal alien Syrian Muslims. He granted all of them TPS–Temporary Protected Status, so they cannot be deported or even arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for being here illegally. Behind the successful effort to get Obama to approve this absurd golden ticket to extremist Syrians to remain in our midst, is the pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah ADC (American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) and Dr. Yahya Basha.
so, i guess we're all part of a very disturbing chess game...
Why would they want to come here? This is the land of the INFIDELS. Oh yeah because we are against Muslim teaching and they are all for KILLING US. OBAMA IS A TRAITOR
For those who think Muslim obama can't or won't open our country to the Muslim invaders, you are dreaming. He has already violated our Constitutional laws, ignored Congress, ignored the Supreme Court, and is openly ruling this country by Executive Orders. Worse, none of those in Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Military who all swore an oath to preserve and protect the country and Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic are sitting silent like a bunch of drugged sheep. They hide behind being Poltically Correct, a bunch of crap that the communists forced on us so the sheep could feel good about being cowards.
Sorry, that's 500 billion.
hE BROUGHT 150 THOUSAND pALISTINIANS OVER HERE AND THEY GET ALL THE PERKS THAT the 20 million illegals get and all on the taxpayers backs! m What Christians? Egypt is killing them every day! He will make room for more of them when he starts killing off the seniors and the disabled. %00 billion from medicare, death panel that was passed in the 875 billion so called stimulas bill, and plus cutting off treatment to seniors once they reach 75. He is evil and needs to be removed! Look at the freedoms he has legislated out of existance already and most aren't paying attention and the leeches who want free chit will vote for him again! There will be fraud up the kazoo in 2012! State and local govts. are already being taken over by these radical progressive communist loons who worship at the alter of Obama!
Exactly why Americans need to demand their removal now...this is not their homeland, they are not part of our heritage dad did not fight in World war II for Islam or Muslims.....and if one American wants them out, they need to uphold and protect my heritage, no Muslims and not Islam...we've had enough...
@Denny--how many have already crossed our southern border? How many Palestinian "refugees" did he bring in in '09? I've heard the State Dept has issued 100,000 visas to Saudis...??? I just put NOTHING past the creep.
Let the invasion begin!
Thanks, David Swanson. I found him. I, too, am a bit skeptical about this piece, that's why I was trying to do some research on"DENNIS" Avi Lipkin. He's a "fringer", but I do agree, in the end, it will be Muslims vs the rest of Humanity. Islam IS a psychosis, not a religion. As far as the boy-n-chief importing 50M mooslims, he couldn't do it if he tried.
This is indeed shocking......I am a bit skeptic but then again here's a URL for Carl Gallup which supports a measure of credibility...located in the Florida Panhandle
But on second thought, it's not out of the box for Barack fits his modus operandi