Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement

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"ALL PATRIOTS BEWARE - The Southern Poverty Law Center has been running the DOJ since Obama became resident. WATCH THIS VIDEO IN FULL! - Fringe crackpot groups, the KKK, skin heads, backwoods militias and the likes really do exist and like their counter-parts, The Black Panthers, Democratic Socialists of America, Communist Party USA and thug Labor Unions, they are dangerous.However, the Southern Poverty Law Center is using these groups to paint ALL PATRIOTS or CONSTITUTIONALISTS with a very broad brush, advising government and law enforcement to essentially treat ALL PATRIOTS like fringe nut-jobs or so-called sovereign citizens.NOTE the this "law center" supported Obama's DOJ dismissing the case against Black Panthers caught on film intimidating voters in 2008. But they want every person who holds the constitution is high regard to be treated like Timothy McVeigh.....Woven among half-truths are whole lies and those lies are being spread throughout law enforcement. True patriots DO NOT oppose the rule of law, quite the contrary.... they oppose lawlessness in their government and the undermining of the rule of law taking place in America today.Yet, THIS VIDEO DOES NOT PRESENT YOUR CASE THAT WAY!BEWARE! DO NOT PAINT TRUE PATRIOTS AS SOVEREIGN CITIZENS. THEY ARE OPPOSITES!"J.B. Williams

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