Stupid People are what's killing America

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Stupid People are what's killing America.
The start of this is form The maddness of a lost society.
I reposted it with improvements. The "mysterious miss...

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  • Stupid is as stupid does, and there are a lot of stupid people to deal with. Not only in congress(stupid like a fox) but the electoret. These people have been promised every thing but the moon but would you settle for amnesty instead, or maybe some more entitlements and welfare.

  • @Macho Man:  I would ask that when you're promulgating your esoteric cogitations, please avoid bombastic profundities.  Thx.  Conservatives prefer linear logic, as well, with clearly delineated points.

  • Time to clean the scum out of the gutters

  • He has a point about stupid people!  It's because of stupid people that we have the great destroyer in the white house!  It's because of stupid people that we have people like Graham, Reid and McCain re-elected to do more damage!  So, his comment is valid, it's just directed to the wrong cause!

  • This is what happens when you let Marxist Democrats run the Country. These people are the results of a school system run by Democrat teacher unions and social welfare policy put in place by Congressional Democrats. Many of those people trampling each other for Chinese made junk are probably receiving taxpayer funded food stamps, rent assistance and even mortgages. These are the people that Democrats like Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were forcing Banks to grant mortgages to for homes. Is there any wonder we ended up with a mortgage crisis? We have to take back our schools and require that anyone who receives taxpayer assistance after 12 weeks to do public service work , like cleaning parks, streets and government offices. Why should taxpayers pay others for these services when someone who has not accepted some kind of employment after 12 weeks continues to receive taxpayer money. I exclude the disabled, sick and elderly who do deserve our assistance. The Republicans under Newt Gingrich installed this kind of welfare reform in the mid 90's but it has since been removed by Democrats. If we don't require work for assistance you end up with dependants of the State and this video probably includes a good number of them. You take away the dignity and worth of people when you follow liberal Democrat policies.

  • What a pity that the Marxist Morons rob these pathetic people of any struggle or any strife... how could they possibly learn critical thinking (or any kind of thinking for that matter!!!) and achieve anything of real value?  These types are what was rallied by the "organizers" and are the die-hard Democrat base who'll never defect because they don't have the tools to EVER see they're useless idiots and no more.  How could we change the system to avoid non-liability votes?  It's not JUST room temperature IQs and empty heads .... these people have NO skin in the game and, I suspect, even have trouble making it THRU A DAY! ..... yet they affect our electoral process in a dreadful kind of way!  Add a few more groups with vacant heads (La Raza, SEIU, SDS, etc, etc) and you've got yourself a ........................ an unrecognizable country!  Those who HAVE escaped the jungle--thru hard, honest work--are conservatives.  Go figure.

  • I agree that we have degenerated in to moronic idiots, that is for the few of us tho understand that we have been betrayed as a people. We need to wise the hell up and be ready to clean out the scum on the streets as well in public offices. Time to be very vigilent, armed to the teeth and ready to act with a swift decisive stroke.

  • Howdy.

    can i tell everyone something, these scum bags stomping over each other in this video are just so much USELESS EATERS and what's said about them is TRUE, their TOTALLY WORTHLESS, and when bad times comes and it's COMING they will be the ones who will GET ON THEIR KNEES before govt and BEG LIKE THE WORTHLESS DOGS THEY ARE.

    they will also be the ones trying to break into our homes and STEALING and killing those who have prepared for BAD TIMES AHEAD.

    and that's WHEN the Blood will really SPILL.

    Semper Fi.



  • I'm reminded of an interview I saw on TV just after the Stimulus Package was passed.  The interviewer asked a woman on the street what she thought of the 'stimulus' and where did she think the money came from...

    Her answer?

    She quickly and proudly exclaimed... "Obama gave this to us!  Came right out of his pocket!"


    'nuff said...

  • I keep saying that people need to be required to have an IQ above 80 to vote.  It is people like this that has destroyed this once great nation.

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