U.S Armed Forces - We Must Fight - President Reagan (HD) Veterans Day 2012

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"Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace—and you...https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tpH5L8zCtSk

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  • Having the leadership that we had with Ronald Reagan was an inspiration to move forward and conquer what ever enemy might wish harm upon us the citizens of America.Men and women moved into the center of hell,s fury and never questioned the support or the speed that they would receive if it was need,looking back was not an option for everyone new the government and the people were behind their efforts, That can never be said about the coward that gave the stand down order in Benghazi,causing the death of for Americans,and to date the coward BHO continues to make decisions that get innocent people killed,how can a man with so much blood on his hands call him self a leader. This coward must be Impeached or their will be no justice for those he murdered.
  • it don't get any plainer than this, very well done.

  • Great find and video,shared.

  • Art that is why you need a PAC behind you. You can run and you can win. Plan, organize and implement.

  • Though I never gave any thought to becoming a politician, and I'm not one who likes fame.  If I had the funds I would run for president simply to "serve" my country and repay the debt I owe all those gone before me. 

    Though I have given much, Freedom is such a prescious gift, much more is required.  Freedom's debt is never paid.


  • Mr. Riley  I'm  proud  to  have  the  1st  name  Ronald, I now  am  required  to  wear  orthepidic  shoes, really  hurts  when  I  kick  someone..  Their  hurt, my  Gain..  Salute 

  • We must re-group and ready for the next election.

  • God bless the memory of this great patriot and visionary, President Ronald Reagan. Where o where is our Ronald Reagan today, tomorrow...I fear we have no feet even willing to step into the shoes of.............

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