Video that speaks volumes

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The last Gettysburg Anniversary reunion took place from July 1-3, 1938. It was the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.In the video you see Civil War vets still living in 1938, who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg, be able to break bread and shake hands with one another.Between them, there were no fist fights that broke out. There were no guns beingdrawn. But they shook each others hands in friendship. They tipped the hats to one another.Confederates and Union soliders united as one. But sadly today not able to rest in peace today. I hope and pray to dear God that someday they might be able to..

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  • Just imagine if all of us in the US can do something like this? Be able to shake one anothers hand, and join as one voice, in total Unionism, and really fight to tack back this country, from the lberals,and progressives. Just think if everyone, would not concentrate on what politcal party they belong to. And work to bring back this country to the way our founding dathers wanted it to be.

    Isn't it time we learned from our nation's history? " UNITE or DIE"
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