Voices Without A Vote

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http://www.Liberty2012.tk The teenagers who speak in this video belong to http://www.im2moro.org. These young people realize that if they don't stand up and ...

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  • Marvin:  Thanks for the comment.  You are correct.  I blindsided myself with that miserable United Nations!  Thanks again. 

  • Clarence, just one small detail.  The United States never joined the League of Nations.  Although the league was Wilson's idea Congress never approved US membership.  Too bad we can't run the b!@#$%^s out of NYC and send them to Switzerland because the buildings are still there.

  • The stark reality of the situation we face is that ever since Woodrow Wilson, that intellectual, early day, global thinker who took strong exception to our Constitution to the point that he got us into World War One after he said he wouldn't and in to that collosal failure, the League of Nations, the predecessor of our present day disaster, the United Nations, our Country has been on a downward liberal, progressive path escalating away from our Constitution.  It's good to hear young people, like those in the video, expressing responsible attitudes, but the fact is the liberal agenda which has been brought to its zenith with Obama has so corrupted our form of government that I'm afraid it will take more than an election, or two, or three to bring our Country back in to accord with our Constitution.  My fear today is that, given the deterioration of the character of a growing number of American Citizens and the devious nature of most of our elected representatives and the Judiciary, Thomas Jefferson's prescient comment spells out the only route left open to those who believe in our Country as it was founded and in the precepts inherent in our Constitution. You all know the comment I'm referring to, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."   We're all going to have to get our hands dirty if we're serious about stopping this downhill slide to socialism that is destroying America, from the inside, today and that includes those bright, spirited young people in the video!   

  • These kids obviously missed the liberal memo in their schools.

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