Will You Fight For Them

http://unitedpatriots.org/patriotsblog/2010/02/will-you-fight-for-them/ Justice! Innocent until proven guilty! The right to a fair trial! These are basic civilian rights our warriors have sworn to defend. These are also the rights our soldiers are not guaranteed while serving in our country’s military. A military defendant is “presumed guilty” and must prove his or her own innocence. Left with the burden of not only finding adequate legal representation, but also paying for it. While our enemies are given civilian rights, provided with teams of attorneys paid for with our tax dollars, and given civilian trials; our warriors are read their Article 39(a) Miranda-Tempia rights on the battle field, and now sit in prison. They are not given court appointed attorneys. Their families must beg, borrow and mortgage their homes in order to retain an attorney that will defend their loved ones from the very country, for many generations, our sons and daughters have proudly fought and died for. Most families send their loved ones to war with the prayer, “God, please watch over our soldiers and bring them home safely”. Today, America has taken a different approach. We allow the media to watch over our soldiers, bring them home labeled as murderers, and adorn them with steel bars, handcuffs and shackles.
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