
  • Remember this while the media and congress keep telling you how trustworthy the mu slimes in America are. They are the enemy of freedom and liberty and the scum of the Earth.

  • Twana, this sucks.  My sister is beside herself as her son is in the area where these killings are occuring.  My nephew spent most of his Army career in either Iraq or Afganistan and retired as a MstSgt.  He has been an advisor in that area since he retired.  For the life of me I do not understand why he stays there.  I pray for his safety.  He has sacrificed enough, a family that hardly knows who he is, I pray it doesn't end up being his life.

    Semper Fi

  • TWANA:  First ; fine job you, Tim the Colonel and the others did on last night's show. How tragic now that two more Americans have been killed in "retribution" for the burned Korans.  Every church from Every Town in the United States has sons and daughters in the military. I belong to a Hispanic Evangelical church.  Our Pastors, (and 1 is Retired Army ! ! ), are not seeing the necessity of their establishing an aliiance with the communities especially in honor of the Fathers and Mothers who have their children abroad in uniform,; in the combat zones or not. The "mousy" manifestation of clergy across our country, (while Imams and Islamic leaders who reside here in the United States LOUDLY Decry and Denigrate our troops and our way of life ! ! ! ), is a heinous and cowardly ommission from their role as SPIRITUAL-Community Leaders .  I know how to reach these Pastors but unfortunately i don't know how to reach these parents within the congregations. But to the quick:  I'd put NOT One Penny More in the Offering Plate until these pastors, quickly ensued on a dialogue about what we are going to do about OUR ONE NATION UNDER GOD and the Traitorous Leader WHO DOES NOT APPOLOGIZE TO PARENTS of DEAD SOLDIERS before initiating his Cowardly Appology to Afghanistan, (  The Overlooked 9-11 and our Dead with No Forthcoming apologies from islam).  So Twana I am b.c.cing many Pastors here also to let them know that they had better forget  the SIN of 501c3 status that comes from a SATANICALLY DRIVEN ADMINISTRATION  and get in Line to March around D.C. and bring the Walls of this Corrupt Would Be Dictatorial Regieme down.  Our Children-Soldiers Die, while these callow, milquetoast clergy make "cosmetically camouflaged nice talk from their pulpits.   ATTN. PASTORS:  THE HOUR IS NOW ! ! !   This is going  to be disseminated far and wide because we Need to Get the Spiritual-Community Link Underway to flush out the Traitorous Element that is Destroying Our Nation.   

    • This letter is ready to go out in my E-Mail; It's easy to Google Churches.....Shouldn't we be giving INPUT on This ? ! ? ! ?


      Here is one Pastor that will listen!

      Pastor Gunnar came to know Christ while serving as a U.S. Navy SEAL here in San Diego. His story was featured on KFMB-TV Channel 8,

      Put him on the top of your list IF you think you are ready.

  • Sarhadi said one gunman was an Afghan National Army soldier and the other, dressed in civilian clothes, was a teacher who used to run literacy courses for Afghan army soldiers.

    Afghan civilians are sometimes used to teach Afghan soldiers English to improve their ability to work alongside ISAF.

    It appeared that the teacher had been planning the attack for at least a year, Sarhadi said, because officials found pictures and other documents related to the Taliban among his possessions.

    We sent out a Helicopter to talk with these NOW Dead Tangos.


    Gunmen kill NATO forces in southern Afghanistan
    A gunman in an Afghan National Army uniform and another man shot dead two NATO soldiers at a combat outpost in southern Afghanistan Thursday, authori…
  • What muslims are on our side? Oh yea, muslims are at war with the whole world...

  • Just bring them all home. Let the wackos fight it out. We can bring everybody home and protect our borders for real. We don't need to be over there in the middle of a war that has been waged for 1000 years. Israel has the ability to keep things in order in that part of the world so let them its there back yard not ours. We don't need not one more American life lost to these scumbag asshats especially the ones we train.
  • That wasn't Anti Israel at all they have come right out and said we got this thanks for the support.I was saying they are competent and capable and don't need us to babysit them.
  • Israel understands these Muslims better than we ever will. We need to let them do what they need to do they are a Sovereign Nation. We need to move to a support capacity The prime minister of Israel went in front of Congress and stated you don't need to Nation build with us we are already built. Israel has the ability to wipe out Iran without us no problem. They are pretty much the Super Power of the Arab world. We should always support them they are one of our closest allies but we need to let them off the chain to defend themselves without our dictation.
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