The Patriots News


Penned by JB Williams - (9/20/11)


As the 2012 election cycle heats up, the most pressing issue facing our nation today is the reinstatement of the U.S. Constitution as the Law of this Land, and the survival of our constitutional republic, complete with sovereign borders, the rule of law, states rights and a republican form of government guaranteed every citizen by the Constitution. There is no more pressing issue in America today…


As reinstating the U.S. Constitution is the highest priority of the 2012 election, and the fact that reinstating Article II requirements for the office of president is first and foremost in the effort to reinstate the constitution as the supreme law of this land, all presidential candidates must face the most vital question of the day.


Before being entrusted with the most powerful political office in our land and the world for that matter, I have only ONE question for every candidate seeking the office of President of the United States.


Based upon the mountain of evidence available which has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Barack Hussein Obama II is not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, and is therefore, ineligible for the office of President according to Article II – Section 1 – Clause V which clearly states – “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;”- and as a candidate with legal standing to challenge the legitimacy of any fellow candidate, will you challenge Barack Hussein Obama’s right to even appear on the 2012 ballot?

Every candidate for the office of president has the legal standing to challenge Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office he is seeking re-election to in 2012.


The fact that Democrats were able to trick Americans into voting for an totally ineligible candidate in 2008, has no bearing on the fact that the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on American voters cannot be allowed to continue.


Simply electing someone else in 2012 will not solve the problem. It will only sweep the problem under the rug, allowing all involved in an overt act of treason against the American people, to walk away free from accountability. The next election will not deliver justice to the American people, nor will it reverse the precedence set in allowing a known ineligible candidate to hold the highest office in our land.


The people responsible for the 2008 fraudulent election of Barack Hussein Obama II must be brought to justice. Every 2012 candidate is in a position of legal standing to end the charade.


Barack Obama has governed like a foreign-born domestic enemy because he is a domestic enemy with foreign loyalties. Countless private investigations into Obama’s past have provided the answers necessary to charge Obama with high crimes. Those investigations have also turned up many more questions about whom and what Barack Obama really is…


Hundreds of legal briefs concerning Barack Obama, representing millions of Americans, have been denied access to the courts due to an alleged “lack of standing,” based upon Rules of Procedure put in place in 1946, to control civilian access to justice.


But every candidate for the office of president has legal standing to challenge the constitutional eligibility of any competing candidate and at least one candidate must have the courage to do it, or none of them deserve the support of the American voter.


The current anti-American administration has not only driven the nation in over its head in debt and destroyed the American economy. They have systematically destroyed all of the free-market mechanisms necessary for any real economic recovery. It isn’t just our economic standing in the world which hangs in the balance, but freedom and liberty itself.


Which 2012 candidate for the office of president has the backbone for the job ahead?


Enough with the standard political banter over a myriad of side show issues. The Constitution is currently out of force and effect. Before America will have a future, it must reinstate the law of the land, beginning with Article II.


The primary job of a president is to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and provide the people with a republican (not democratic) form of government which is of, by and for the people.


If one cannot live by this primary obligation as a candidate, one certainly cannot be trusted to live by this obligation as president.


Yes, this is indeed a litmus test. Every candidate has an opportunity to take a stand for the people and the constitution right now, as candidates for the highest office in our land. Should they shrink from this obligation as candidate, they are not well-suited for the power of the office of president.


It is no longer any secret that Barack Hussein Obama II is not a Natural Born Citizen, which means it is common knowledge that he currently holds the office illegally and without constitutional authority.


Simply defeating him in 2012 will not bring justice or proper resolution to this matter of utmost importance to millions of Americans, especially all who have and currently served in the military, in the defense of the Constitutional Republic, freedom, liberty and equal justice under the rule of law.


Only if a candidate can pass this test should there be any other questions concerning their candidacy. If they do not stand for Article II, then they cannot stand for the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is an all or nothing proposition. Everything in that document matters or nothing in that document matters. There is no middle ground on this one…


As a candidate seeking the highest office in the land, will you immediately challenge Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to appear on the 2012 ballot?

Get the answer to this question wrong and I have no other questions for you. Fail the test to protect and preserve Article II, and I will not trust you to protect and preserve the Charters of Freedom from the Oval Office.


If there is not a single candidate with the backbone to take a stand, then our nation must endure a horrific era of social strife in order to one day return to its foundational principles and values. If there is no candidate with the backbone to stop the treasonous fraud against the constitution and the people, then leaving the fraud in office is the best strategy.


Leaving this fraud in power will accelerate the demise of America. The sooner we collapse, the sooner the people will be forced to face the music and begin to rebuild.


Don’t let any candidate escape this question, Republican, Democrat or Independent. Don’t let them talk about the constitution without talking about Article II.


I will not endorse any candidate who runs from this question or fails to answer it correctly. Enough flowery talk about the constitution… it’s time to take a stand for the constitution. Lead, or get out of the way!


JB Williams

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  • I have raised this very question with as many of the GOP candidates as possible and have heard from no one.  Their silence is indeed a condemnation of their so-called loyalty and allegiance to this nation as founded by the framers as a Constitutional Republic.  It appears, that the GOP candidates have no more scruples than does the current usurper in the WH and those so-called leaders who head up the DNC and RNC, as well as many within the Tea Party who care only about "the money being spent" and not for the nation being destroyed by constitutional illiterates and those we know are enemies of the Republic.


    The absolute restoration of our Constitution should be our first order of business and the only way that is going to be accomplished is if we insist on a candidate that we have vetted and know to be a true patriot, dedicated to our freedom and the continued liberty of our people and our nation.

    • First, they must grow a pair! The first one who makes this an issue will hear a loud noise behind him and that will be those that have been waiting for someone to follow. So far, I see no one that excites me. Rick Perry has lots of baggage here in Texas and when it is brought out for those to see, it may not bode well for him. I did like him raising a stink today in NY regarding the UN thing, but damn, he does have skeletons in his closet that bear some splaining to the public. I have issues with the media annointing him just like McCain and Bob Dole.

  • If we move away from the three primary reasons for having a TEA Party in the first place then we will lose everything.  The TEA Parties did not come together because of citizenship issues, they came into being to insure; 1) Liberty, 2)Smaller Government, and 3) Reasonable taxation (lower and less complex tax code).  When people stray towards these side issues, it does not matter how important they may be, the whole movement is painted as a bunch of radical extermist nuts.  We must stick to the issues we started with, do that and we will win, do this and we will lose.
    • If the Tea Party doesn't stand for the Constitution, on what premise does it stand for anything?
    • Not "Simply Irresistible".  The Constitution MUST trump all other concerns.  Nevertheless, it takes "Every Kinda People"; "Can We Still Be Friends"?
  • Before any meaningful restoration of the Constitution of the United States & a CORRUPT FREE 2012 election can take place, at least two things must happen first... (1) The evil fraudulent traitorous muslim communist USURPER, barry soetoro AKA harrison j. bounel AKA barack hussein obama/family must be must be arrested, jailed & sentenced according to the CONSTITUTIONAL TRIAL RESULTS conducted by Dr James David Manning in New York City May 14-19, 2010 http://atlah.org/the-cia-columbia-obama-sedition-and-treason-trial-.... (2) The TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT Washington DC & State government establishments must be next on the agenda to be dealt with for their TREASONOUS acts against the Constitution of the United States of America!
    The Constitutional Citizens Arrest of Mr. Obama
    Dr. James David Manning revisits a powerful statement made by Staff Sergeant Daryn John Moran USAF on 12 August 2011, Recorded 18 August 2011 and more. On the 18th of May, 2010 a trial at the Atlah World Missionary Church was held finding barack hussein obama guilty of 17 federal charges. For those who haven't seen this youtube video & those who have seen it, click on the following link for Pastor Mannings' "Morning Report" and the details ...
    The CIA Columbia Obama Sedition And Treason Trial Transcripts
    This video is Reverend James David Manning's PhD summarization of the New York City May 14-19, 2010 trial and verdict rendered by the court against the USURPER barack hussein obama.
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!
    ~Albert Einstein~
    • HOOYA GUNNY They all must be tried for TREASON and CONVICTED and SENTANCED.
  • There silence is the answer, are they each one of them eligible to the office of President???Thats the first question that we need to get an answer on . And I want PROOF, that they are eligible. Then and only then can they use the legal standing to challenge Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility. Maybe this is why they are silent ???
  • AMEN to that! If they don't have the back bone to defend the Constitution on this issue, they will not have the guts or nerve to defend the Constitution on any issue.
  • When Obumer is removed from office for not being a natural born citizen all of what he has done is null and void. Then we need to arrest and try every Daomocrat starting with Biden, Pelosi and Reid. They all need to be tried and convicted of Treason then Publicly hung as a warning to the rest. Any vote for an unconstitutional law is TREASON.
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