Once Upon a Time:

Obozo and his administration came for the auto industry, but we did nothing because we weren't the auto industry.

Then obozo and his administration came for our religion saying we had to be tolerant, and we did nothing because we believe in tolerance.

And then obozo and his administration took away our first amendment, but we did nothing because: (a) we were afraid, and/or (b) we were being politically correct.

Then, obozo and his administration came for the banking industry, and we did nothing because we thought our economy would collapse. And then, obozo and his administration started making warrantless searches, and we did nothing because we thought these people must be the bad guys.

Then obozo and his administration had touching, groping unwarranted searches at airports before one can fly on an airplane, and we did nothing because we thought it might prevent another 9/11.

And then obozo and his administration wanted gun dealers along the border to be registered, and we did nothing???? because it was the southern border ... and registering guns sold by dealers to Americans will keep us safer, why, and yet, we may or may not do anything because ... "Oh, just wait until November 2012!"

But when obozo and his administration came for the guns to do away with 2A, America said "Hell no!" They were met with hail of firepower. And that was my dream last night.



Moments before this alert was to go out, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. issued a ruling upholding an Obama administration policy that requires federally licensed firearms retailers in states bordering Mexico to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The case was brought by two NRA-backed firearms retailers and by the National Shooting Sports Foundation acting on behalf of its affected members. Plaintiffs plan to appeal immediately—but in the meantime, your help is urgently needed in seeking congressional action to end this illegal policy.

Devised by Attorney General Eric Holder’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the plan requires all of the 8,700 firearm dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to report all sales of two or more semi-automatic rifles within five consecutive business days, if the rifles are larger than .22 caliber and use detachable magazines. (The plaintiffs in the case pointed out that this was about 20 times more dealers than had been subject to any similar “demand letter” before, but in today's decision the court nonetheless found the new requirement “limited in scope.”)

It is imperative that you contact your U.S. Senators and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 570. You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. senators at (202) 224-3121.

Gun Control Activists Fire Squib Loads: On Monday, Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence—previously known as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns— penned an item for the very left-leaning Huffington Post website, deriding media reporters for writing articles that say gun sales are booming.

Source: http://www.nraila.org/grassrootsalerts/read.aspx


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