50 US States become 7 UN regions

Hitler, Obama, Austria,The US, And the UN.

The United Nations Agenda 21 is a set of documents aimed at establishing a One-World Global Governance.
Note the use of the word "Governance" as opposed to Government.
The aim is to install global controls with rules, regulations, and shared wealth around the world. In order to "Share the wealth" around the world you would also by definition have to share the worlds resources, or at least the wealth produced by those resources. Natural gas, oil, coal, food, grain, corn, wheat. All of it, all of a nations resources.

But sharing the wealth requires control of not only the financial assets of a nation, but also control over the people and those resources of a nation. Instituting global controls over all aspects of a nations resources, and then also instituting control over how that wealth is redistributed, requires massive controls, (on a global scale), over whether or not those resources are wasted during or after the redistribution. You can't take 90% of all the grain out of one country only to give it all to another only to have it squandered as waste to be used as bedding materials, or when you have far too many people trying to live off the same field of corn.
So the United Nations came up with a plan to control the world's resources. They estimated that the Earth could only handle a given number of people based on the capabilities of the Earth to provide the resources to sustain that number in population. The figure they came up with was around 500 Billion people globally. That figure turns out to be approximately 150 Billion below the current estimated population of planet Earth in 2006 figures.

The plan that was put in place to accomplish all this is what is now referred to as UN Agenda 21. The United Nations Agenda for the 21st century. Within those documents and specifically the portion dealing with population control and control over the natural resources is the portion and sections referred to as Rural-Sustainable-Rural-Development.

Although the UN Agenda 21 was originally started in 1986 it was never formally adopted as an American policy until Barack Hussein Obama signed an executive order establishing the White House Counsel on "Sustainable Rural Development " in 2009.. Known as Executive order #13575.

So what's any of this have to do with Adolph Hitler? And why the suggested comparison between Hitler and Obama?
Well lets take a short look at Austria in the late 1930's and early 1940's. Before Hitler took over Austria, Austria was divided into 64 various counties. Very much like we see here in the United States. We have 50 States, and each State is further sub-divided into various counties. Those divisions of states and then sub-divisions into counties provide for local community controls and governance.
that formation makes it difficult at best, and all but impossible to enforce any kind of global controls over everything in any given county or State. As of 2013 there are 3,144 counties within the 50 States of the US. In 1938 Austria had 64 Counties, but Adolph Hitler in order to establish greater controls over the country consolidated those 64 counties down into only 15 regions. And then they replaced all the elected local officials with appointed bureaucrats. All local controls were lost.

In 2009 Barack Hussein Obama instituted UN Agenda 21 in his executive order #13575. And on February 3rd 2014 he created 7 new regional climate control hubs supposedly aimed at providing greater "assistance" in dealing with climate change.

America - We just lost all 3,144 local counties and all 50 individual States.
You are now the 7 regions of the United Nations territory of North America.

By proclamation of Barack Hussein Obama.
(I might also add that Mao Tse'tung did the very same thing in Communist China.)


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  •   Could you state the U.S. law, legislation, that even gives Executive order #13575 any basis, relevance, or affirmation of the peoples law?

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