We all know that Hiroshima was destroyed in August 1945after the explosion of atomic bombs.However, we know little about the progress made by the peopleof Hiroshima during the past 64 years.HIROSHIMA - 64 YEARS LATERThe foundations for the welfare state were laid in the 1930swith Roosevelt's New Deal. The form we see it now largelycongealed in the 1960s.DETROIT- 55 YEARS LATERNOW I ASK YOU, WHATS MORE DESTRUCTIVEATOMIC BOMBS or WELFARE?
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Twana, Hiroshima is a success story, a city rebuilt by hard work and determination. Detroit, on the other hand, is a city in ruins, brought about by that social and mental disease known as liberalism. Liberalism, and nanny-state-ism, is the Midas touch in reverse. Everything it touches does not turn to gold, it turns to SHIT.
Just look at all the cities built by liberalism; NYC, Detroit, Baltimore, Killadelphia, LA, Chicago, Gary, IN, et al. The list goes on and on. I challenge you to find one city, built by liberalism, that is not a decaying waste treatment plant of a city. A big steak dinner, on me, if you can find one!
They both are very destructive but one was rebuilt by people that refuse to give up and they sure didn't depend on the Government to pick them up while the other was caused by the same Government that dropped the A Bomb in Japan. Makes you wonder if this was not the plan all along for this Government. Destroy us with bombs or by finical ruin either way it is DESTRUCTION at its finest. Now with that said who is really to blame here? Is it the Government or the people that line up to get that free handout? If we all stopped taking the handout and demand the Goverment stop this insane spending we might start to look like that city in Japan today. I again ask who is really at fault for the looks of Detroit? WHO?
I posted this months ago, and it's still disturbing ! ! !
It can't be posted enough, especially during an election yr !
IT's as though it is planned this way, which I tend to believe at times ! And more often lately with this administration . Every thing they do now is a complete failure . AND THEY REFUSE TO LISTEN ! ! !
An interesting side note, not that it might have made a difference, but Detroit
2pkolocb5zjdh > Barry 'Bigbare' CarsonSeptember 2, 2010 at 3:04pm
Not true, but it has been a while. (I can't find the e-mail with all the cities that are Damncratic.)
2pkolocb5zjdh > 2pkolocb5zjdhSeptember 3, 2010 at 10:16pm
9 Republican Mayors since the 1800s (Rep party started in the 1850s. Before that they were the Whigs. Didn't count them.) Last Rep mayor was Miriani 1957-1962.
Twana, ---- Hiroshima is a success ... (Detroit) ... social and mental disease known as liberalism. ...
... Everything it touches does not turn to gold, ......... it turns to SHIT.
I guess toilet paper would be a great investment at this time ! ! ! : )
But Detroit doesn't GLOW like Hiroshima does! Just look at what the radiation did. (For all those who don't recognize a joke when they see it, don't respond back.)
Just look at all the cities built by liberalism; NYC, Detroit, Baltimore, Killadelphia, LA, Chicago, Gary, IN, et al. The list goes on and on. I challenge you to find one city, built by liberalism, that is not a decaying waste treatment plant of a city. A big steak dinner, on me, if you can find one!
I posted this months ago, and it's still disturbing ! ! !
It can't be posted enough, especially during an election yr !
IT's as though it is planned this way, which I tend to believe at times ! And more often lately with this administration . Every thing they do now is a complete failure . AND THEY REFUSE TO LISTEN ! ! !
GOD Bless,
Twana, ---- Hiroshima is a success ... (Detroit) ... social and mental disease known as liberalism. ...
... Everything it touches does not turn to gold, ......... it turns to SHIT.
I guess toilet paper would be a great investment at this time ! ! ! : )
G B,