You have to remember that all lawyers and attorneys have pledged their allegiance to the Crown of England forsaking their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. They cannot be loyal to both so they have to choose where they place their allegiance. This means that all those who hold a seat in our government who also hold a BAR card are not loyal to this country and places them in a conflict of interest and explains why they cannot as BAR carrying individuals, commit to doing the job they were elected to do without violating their pledge of allegiance they swore to the Crown of England. Technically that would mean they have perjured themselves by even swearing their oaths to support and defend the Constitution. Should help in understanding why the members of Congress and other offices of our government act the way they do.


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  • For further review and more detail see "YOUR "BAR"  ATTORNEY IS A FRAUD 

    Your "BAR" Attorney Is A Fraud
  • The following is a letter I received on July 30th, 2016 from our city Code enforcement officer;

    Code Enforcement

    City of Groesbeck Ordinance(s):

    2012 International Property Maintenance Code.

    Section 304 – Exterior Structure

    304.2 Protective Structure. All exterior surfaces, including but not limited to doors, door and window frames, cornices, trim, balconies, decks and fences shall be maintained in good condition.

    Exterior wood surfaces, other than decay resistant wood, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Peeling, flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and masonry joints as well as those between the building envelope and the perimeter of windows, doors, and skylights shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces subject to corrosion or rust shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosion and all surfaces with rust and corrosion shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from external surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this requirement.

    This letter is being sent to inform you that the property at the above referenced location is in violation of Groesbeck Ordinance(s): 2012 IPMC Work or improvements needed are as follows:

    Back porch on North side of house is dilapidated and needs demolition or demolition and repair.

    As the owner of or responsible party for the stated premise or property, you have ten (10) days from the date of this letter to correct the listed violation(s). If at the end of the tenth (10th) day the violations listed have not been corrected, a complaint will be filed with the Groesbeck Municipal Court.

    This will be the only violation notification you will receive. It is not the responsibility of the City to notify you each time your premise or property becomes a danger to public health and safety. Additionally, a complaint will be filed against you, the owner, with the Groesbeck Municipal Court for each violation.

    Sincerely: Code Enforcement officer:

    I guess the Texas Code Enforcement gestapo are now enforcing INTERNATIONAL Housing codes and laws. These people want $30 for a demolition permit, (mandatory), plus an additional $30 for a reconstruction permit. (mandatory).

    This is the United Nations Agenda 21 in full practice and in-your-face enforcement by our own local (TEXAS) municipal officials. It does not matter to these people that their own city codes and enforcement practices have all but driven all businesses and jobs out of the city and County. They see no correlation between their codes and enforcement practices and the fact that no new businesses or new jobs have come into the city or County in over six years. No business or industry will ever consider moving to a location that has no available housing, no available labor force, and no potential for growth. I am currently paying Eleven Thousand ($11,000+) in property taxes in this community.

    While this small city of only 4,330 people is currently over Nine Million ($9,000,000 ) in debt. Income in the area is shrinking and average income over the past few years has decreased by over $4,000 annually.

    The national unemployment rate is listed as 4.7%, Texas unemployment average is listed at 4.2%, Groesbeck unemployment rate is listed at 5.6%. Far above the national average.

    Median household income in the city is $38,238, Limestone County median income is listed at $37,256.

    Household income is measured in various ways. One key measure is the real median level, meaning half of households have income above that level and half below, adjusted for inflation. According to the Federal Reserve, this measure was $51,939 in 2013, below the 1999 peak of around $57,000.[1] The Census Bureau estimated real median household income at $53,657 for 2014 and $54,462 in 2015. Household income varies by race, with Asians the highest in 2014 at over $74,000 and African Americans the lowest around $35,000.[2]

    In other words Limestone County and the City of Groesbeck are only $2,000 to $3,000 above the lowest average household income of African Americans throughout the Country, the poorest segment of American society.

    But City officials see no correlation between their administration practices and these figures, (Groesbeck is the Limestone County seat). And they have no idea why the local landlords, property owners, business owners, citizens, and The City it self are all broke.
    Two months ago this same Code Enforcement official sent me another letter threatening to seize my property if I didn't mow the grass on a vacant field behind one of my rental properties.

    But don't worry, the Limestone County Detention facility is scheduled to reopen in October.
    ICE and Border Immigration officials had no illegal immigrants to detain over the past six years.

    It will probably be used as a FEMA detention camp for American Veterans and people who write nasty letters like this one.

    (Note also that if this Code Enforcement officer decides to turn this into a Court case, at which I will no doubt be convicted, I will at that point be a convicted felon. Which means I will loose all rights to own and bear arms.
    It's a really neat scam on another way to disarm America.) For not mowing the lawn and not repairing a leaky metal porch roof.

    Household income in the United States
    Household income is an economic standard that can be applied to one household, or aggregated across a large group such as a county, city, or the whol…
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