A chance to say Thank You and Good-bye

Many of us here have been blessed with finding new acquaintances and Patriots that we are glad to call a friend. But like so many things in our lives, there comes a point in time where we sometimes have to say good-bye. This does not mean that we might never see one another again, it just means it will no longer be here. There are some great places out there still yet and we might be lucky enough to run into each other once again. But until that time, I would like to say Thank you to each and everyone of the Patriots here.

There has been an enriching quality to this site that has helped us all out in a time of need. We have worked together to forge a path to restore the glory of the America many of us grew up in. The work here has been enlightening to many that did not have the knowledge of some in different areas and has made each better for it.

We still have a long way to go, but it can be done. We each have a new path that we must take, but with the it comes new challenges, new friends and a never ending desire to restore the Republic.


God bless you all for the work you have done and I pray that you will keep working at whatever it is that the Lord and your hearts leads you too.



Thank you so much for the Patriotic work you have done here and elsewhere. The work you have done is very much appreciated by so many. PFA will be missed, but what was started here will go on in other groups. The idea behind PFA has been a great lesson and I will take it on with me in my endeavors elsewhere. It has been a true honor to see the compassion and integrity that you always displayed here. There will always be a place for you and your wife in our prayers. May the Lord bless and watch over you always.



Thank you so much for your tireless dedication to PFA and the members here. You have always been an inspiration to keep going even when a mountain of adversary seemed to be never ending before us. Your strong willed determination to America is never wavering and appreciated.


To the other members,

What a wonderful group of Patriots. I have been blessed to learn much here from so many of you. I have had some wonderful conversations that have given me new perspectives that I might not have ever looked at in that way. I Thank you all for all that you have done.



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  • Yes, Thank you for the mammoth efforts here. Change is the only constant in the world and I look forward to a day when the only change will be to spend our days worshiping and serving GOD the Almighty creator of everything.
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