A crazy idea that could work;

A crazy idea that could work;


Here’s a crazy idea that could actually work;

Do something they don’t expect;
Instead of trying to stealth around making idiotic plans on how to storm Washington and remove these traitors, Why not just simply announce it to the whole world.?

Let the whole world, and Washington, know that we’re coming for them.
Make sure everyone knows that We-The-People intend to Preserve, Protect, and Defend, (AND ENFORCE) the Constitution of the United States of America, against ALL enemies foreign AND Domestic.

President Trump was pretty successful at getting thousands of people out to his rallies. He could easily get 15,000 – 20,000 people to a rally. The Government of this Barack Hussein Obama/Kamala Harris/Joe Biden, and the hidden “Deep-State” “Washington Swamp” and systemic corruption has become insufferable..

If we could get 20,000 – 30,000 – or even 50,000 people to gather in DC for a “Take-Back-America” rally then maybe we could at least get the people to wake up.

And we might even get Washington to pay attention to the people.


This government under this Obama/Harris/Biden Marxist administration is completely out of control and has now become the enemy of the people.
While Americans are struggling every day to put food on the table, pay the mortgages, and their utility bills, this government administration is busy making plans on how to disarm all Americans.

They don’t care about the Constitution or the second Amendment. In fact Joe Biden has openly said “No Amendment to the Constitution is absolute”.
They have spent five years investigating President Donald Trump. Last week Rudy Guiliani’s offices were raided and all his records concerning his defense of Donald Trump were confiscated.

Their “Witch-Hunt” continues and it will never stop until they can find or manufacture something to arrest and incarcerate him and his entire family. Apparently President Trump has no Constitutional protections under these Democrat regime.


They are still searching for and arresting people who attended the Trump rally in DC on January 6th 2021. It doesn’t matter if they actually entered the Capital building or not, if they were in Washington on January 6th then they are being arrested and charged.


Before that under the Obama administration the FBI and Oregon State Police shot and killed Lavoy Finnicum. They arrested and incarcerated and then eventually killed a man named Terry Trussell, a Vietnam combat veteran that fought for America and managed to survive the war only to come home to be killed by his own government in Florida. His only crime was seeking justice and the truth.

And even before that, under the Clinton Administration, Attorney General Janet Reno used the FBI and the National Guard to raid and kill 85 men – women – and children in Waco Texas in what has now become known as the Waco Massacre. Also under the same Clinton administration we watched the FBI kill Randy Weaver’s family. All under phony trumped-up charges that he had sold a shot gun that was ½ inch too short.


As bad as all that was during those years this Obama/Harris/Biden Marxist government has gone too far. When they openly declare that the Constitution has no meaning and that the rights of the people are not absolute under the Constitution then they have ventured into the world of complete tyranny.

Prior to the November 2020 election candidate Joe Biden bragged about how they had now assembled the best election fraud system ever devised in America.

We watched that election fraud play out when even before the polls had closed ABC, and CNN news announced that Joe Biden had won. We watched as Democrat operatives slid suit cases of ballots out from under black draped tables and ran illegal ballots threw the machines multiple times.

Now this Democrat administration is submitting legislation into Congress to seize total control over our American election process and systems. The Democrats bill, HR1, would remove control over the elections from the States and hand over control to themselves. A move that is totally and completely unconstitutional.


Washington has now gone completely Marxist. They have barricaded the city and the Capital with fences and walls and US National Guard troops to prevent anyone from voicing any grievances, opposition, or objections to this government. They have turned Washington DC into a barricaded fortress. Anyone entering that city with a weapon or even a sign showing opposition will be shot immediately, without questions. There will be no “Due-Process-of law”.

These are only a very few of the grievances that we could list. We could gone on and on and on.
Immigration, open borders, closing of the Key Stone pipeline and American oil independence, Two TRILLION dollar spending packages for “Infrastructure” when only a small portion of that actually goes towards any “Infrastructure” programs. The rest goes to some Democrat pet projects.


The US Declaration of Independence states that “Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-


The Government of this Barack Hussein Obama/Kamala Harris/Joe Biden, and the hidden “Deep-State” “Washington Swamp” and the systemic corruption has become insufferable.
This writer at least believes it has become time for the American people to stand up and take America back from this tyrannical corrupt Federal Government.
Americans must restore the Constitution and return America to it’s rightful place as a Free Constitutional Republic.


Let them know We-The-People are coming.




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  • if WE announced that WE were coming, DC would be a ghost town when WE got there. WE would be greeted by the military, FBI, LEO's Federal Marshalls etc.   it would have to be a surprise attack, with absolutly no warning and no prisoners.   

    With that being said, i dont know how you could mass 10-30 million people to launch an assault on DC without them finding out about it 

    we have to surgically remove the head of the snake, all the heads!!!!

    • surgically.............

      With a small scalple.

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